Regardless of what else he has done or will do, SpaceX has shown that NASA and their contractors are mostly a waste of tax dollars and are primarily a welfare scheme.
No one gets to that level without selling their soul. He probably just occupies the position of "CEO" and CIA pushes positive stories about him, so that ever one will think he is cool. It's all a facade.
CIA asset. Has no brain. They just needed a “Tony Stark” figure to polarize the people on the right.
First Iron Man movie dropped the same year Elon became CEO of TESLA
As a friend once told me, the only reason musk builds rockets is to get Grimes back to her home planet.
Elon’s dad also had a baby with his own step daughter so you know they are fucked up people.
No conspiracy needed. He's part of PayPal mafia and chosen for public figurehead for government laundering.
Regardless of what else he has done or will do, SpaceX has shown that NASA and their contractors are mostly a waste of tax dollars and are primarily a welfare scheme.
No one gets to that level without selling their soul. He probably just occupies the position of "CEO" and CIA pushes positive stories about him, so that ever one will think he is cool. It's all a facade.
Butt boy puppet just like Gates, Obama, Zuckerburg. Favorite fuck toy of some ultra elite pedo now used as a face man for their con game.
ShamWow pitchman for the Elites.
What fraud and negligence? If you're going to throw accusations you might as well back them up.
He provides a service at a fraction of the cost. How is it fraud?
What are you talking about? An investigation about someone crashing their car? Like that never happened before
So take it to yelp. What does it have to do with anything?
You mean an aesthetic? Bosa nova raped your mom? The fuck are you talking about?
Who gives a shit?
So you're a shill faggot trying to bring down the musk because... Why, exactly?
You work for nissan or some shit?
I sort by new. Sue me
"aNd yOu qUoTed mE iN tHe rEsPonSe"
You haven't demonstrated that
Prove any of that