I know, I know, I sound like a total schizo but hear me out.
Several friends and family members I've known my whole life are acting differently. They're like sort of in a fog, and I've noticed something about their eyes. Like they're looking through me when I talk to them... I'm not even kidding.
It's been at least a few weeks since they got their second shots, but something is definitely up. I've heard a couple others make similar comments about the vaccinated, but only after i brought it up.
I think David Icke mentioned something along these lines too...
(I originally posted this on Patriots.win - https://patriots.win/p/12iN7RqTz9/the-vaccine-is-literally-changin/)
It's simple this AI nanobot injection is made to sever the connection between the soul and the body. There is actually nobody home anymore like you are saying...
Can you elaborate?
There .. is nothing to .. fear. Do not... resist... The pods are the future. Sleep now. When you awaken you will be enlightened.
I was creating a compilation of screenshots that were sent to me in order to provide you with a reply and I ended up sharing it with the board so here is my post : https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNBzRwnM/a-couple-of-accounts-on-the-effe/c/