I knew this would come at some point because RACISM.
Got a problem with anything? Deem it racist!
Even fucking trees!
FUCKING TREES! Damnit it hell!
Fuck it! I quit!
What the ever loving fuck do trees have to do with RACISM?
Well an Oregon schoolboard director claims trees are RACIST!
Read the article below. Unfortunately this is not an Onion or Babylon Bee article.
Too pathetic to laugh at.
I have a theory that I have been sharing for over a decade with friends and family who will listen, (not many I assure).
I have been saying that humanity's behavior in general would start to go crazy and that the crazy behavior would escalate.
JPL has classified our solar system as a binary system, meaning two sols with planetary bodies orbiting them.
Our own government is aware of the convergence and calls it the incoming event horizon.
With the convergence comes an interaction of electromagnetism between the systems.
We are witnessing an increase in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fireballs, meteorites, and it is escalating every year.
I believe the human brain is also being affected.as our planet is being affected.
Hence the crazy behavior. This will not stop.
Ever heard of Biblical Prophecy? It’s all in there.
Appreciate that, but I prefer science over religion.
Username fits