So I've seen things about anarchist or rather communities in mexico that are supposed to not have much of a central government ruling them. Is there any information the people here have on them. Unfortunately internet searches don't provide much info on current state of them.
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probably cartel fronts
I tried looking into this too. Not Mexico in particular, but worldwide. I think most countries that aren't "first world" probably have a good amount of communities in them that are remote, don't pay much, if any taxes, and just kinda regulate themselves. Hell, watch Alaska State Troopers. The government has to fly into these tiny remote villages to enforce bullshit like alcohol prohibition. If there's not a bunch of snitches in your community, I'm sure a group of like minded individuals could do the same most anywhere.
The problem in the continental US being that there are a bunch of snitches and the hierarchy of government that everyone has become so reliant on. Even very small towns have their town water district, then step up to town government, county government, tri-county agreements (health boards around me), state government, regional court systems, federal government, international committees (UN, treaties). A squeaky enough wheel could work their way up the chain if they really have an issue.
I've never been in the military or deployed to any desert hellholes, but I've spoke to plenty of people who have been and heard stories about how many of the communities in some of those countries have no idea what "country" they're even in. It's not like there's a fence around Afghanistan. All they know is the group of people that are around them and that there's another village 50 miles "thataway." Of course those place have no technology, no education, and are simply living day to day. I'd bet they're pretty content with life.
These communities are the kinds I was thinking of. The kind the government is not able to really control.
Some of the people I follow talk about mexico sometimes
Have you tried talking to any.Antifa squads? They.will certainly have info as these TAZ's