So your God isn't all powerful? Does he or does he not have the power to do anything? He created it all correct? So he can create things but not destroy them himself (other than serving up his own son on the chopping block of course)? Your book says he knows everything that is and is to come. Therefor, he wants it to happen, because its all HIS plan. While I don't believe in your God, cause he is a major dick if real, your God did this all.
Lol. What is this? The Kobayashi maru? In your story: God creates mortals, expects them to see past the infinite wisdom of an archangel he also created to trick and lead them to sin (again he knew everyone of his creations before, during, and after-and everything they'd do in their lifetime, and instead of fixing the problems during beta tests-just LET it happen cause, ya know, free will), then tortures them for eternity for not stacking up well in the fight he created....against an archangel with powers and immortality and whatever else your comic book talks about, and a crew of fallen angel buddies and demons to help. Also requires the mortals to just go with it, on faith, no proof needed. But consequences if not followed to a t. Meh, if this fairytale is true..ill spend my time at the gates during judgement-flinging shit at your kingdom.
I'd love for you to define that further...
Very interesting concept on it's face
Don't act so surprised Globalist, You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Only the Holy Spirit can overcome the Enemy...
Pouring into the Space Time Continuum into our planet, through our Souls...
Electrochemical transceivers broadcasting the Spirit of God, Through every Dimension..."
And then they take Reality, they don't Create anything, they just reverse it...
And when you understand that, you go... Wow, the Ancients all knew this
And they said;
Beware people, Hindus taught this, the Jews, Christians, You name it...
That anybody trying to reverse the order of things is a DEMON...
WE gotta turn lose of all the Fear... and people gotta make a decision,
Do you serve Life, or do you serve Death?
And people think, they're taught, Death is powerful...
All the guys in the Motorcycle Gangs, even in the Military...
Skulls, Skulls, Skulls,
But that Skull, is just what is left over of a Human,
Real POWER is LIFE...
Because there is no reason to kill people, unless they're hurting innocents...
There is no POWER in killing, real POWER is having the WILL, to do whatever it takes to stop it, and die if you need to...
Die if you need to...
And once you cross that point,
One thing they really get good in "V for Vendetta"
is that;
You don't become weaker standing up for the innocent, you become STRONGER...
You don't become weaker getting close to GOD, You become unbelievably powerful...
And the Enemy fears that power...
That power...
The Enemy Fears... God...
Fears... God...
And God fears NO Globalist...
And the Globalist... Fears... God...
Oh, save me Jeebus. J:"From what?" From what you're doing to me.
It's the "Devil" that is doing anything at all to us... Jesus has no control over what happens in Satan's domain....
That's made very clear, that Jesus is set to return, and uphold God's Kingdom...
So your God isn't all powerful? Does he or does he not have the power to do anything? He created it all correct? So he can create things but not destroy them himself (other than serving up his own son on the chopping block of course)? Your book says he knows everything that is and is to come. Therefor, he wants it to happen, because its all HIS plan. While I don't believe in your God, cause he is a major dick if real, your God did this all.
The Devil produces all suffering, and death was brought upon us because Adam and Eve done goofed... fell for the Serpent, which was the Devil...
God created the Devil too, according to the script..
Because of that it makes him evil?
No, ultimately he gave everything Free Will, and it's up to you as an individual to side with either Death or Life...
And so now the world is operating in dysfunction and absolute chaos...
His Kingdom will reign someday soon, it is prophesized...
Banish the Devil and his true ilk.. because even most sinners in the end get a chance to repent and join the Kingdom...
Lol. What is this? The Kobayashi maru? In your story: God creates mortals, expects them to see past the infinite wisdom of an archangel he also created to trick and lead them to sin (again he knew everyone of his creations before, during, and after-and everything they'd do in their lifetime, and instead of fixing the problems during beta tests-just LET it happen cause, ya know, free will), then tortures them for eternity for not stacking up well in the fight he created....against an archangel with powers and immortality and whatever else your comic book talks about, and a crew of fallen angel buddies and demons to help. Also requires the mortals to just go with it, on faith, no proof needed. But consequences if not followed to a t. Meh, if this fairytale is true..ill spend my time at the gates during judgement-flinging shit at your kingdom.
Who the hell are you trying to fool?
The Devil betrayed God, turned sick from being an Angel.. And decided that all the evil fundamentals should be carried out upon the Humans..
To utterly destroy Humanity...
Your interpretation isn't even close to what the Bible literally tells...
The Devil wasn't created with sin by God....
God created Satan, and Satan chose, like everything in the universe can choose because of Free Will, he chose to serve Death and to corrupt Mankind.
God knew Satan would betray him, yet, still made him and let him do his role.,-All-Knowing