I dont care about flat earth, ppl have the right to theorize about it, but the fucking spam of 15 threads where like 13 have one video linked each is fucking unbearable... make one fucking thread and link all videos there!
I dont care about flat earth, ppl have the right to theorize about it, but the fucking spam of 15 threads where like 13 have one video linked each is fucking unbearable... make one fucking thread and link all videos there!
No way to know the shape? No way at all? None, like taking pictures via satelites? Sending up a camera? No way at all?
FFS. I know we should question everything, but choosing not to believe things like the shape of the Earth is straight up stupidity at this point in time.
There are hundreds of different types of jobs in the following fields that would just plain not work without knowledge of our planet: physics, geophysics, astronomy, aerospace, anything related navigation, anything related to statelites, shipping boats...
You would have to fool millions and millions of THE smartest minds on the planet.
It is just not possible at this point with the technology and education we have.
I'm sorry, but FUCK FLAT EARTH. We're on a fucking globe, like EVERY single other celestial body we can see in the sky.
You can fucking watch live video from the ISS but some of you people will claim everything is fake. There is plenty of proof out there, really solid proof, like LIVE FUCKING VIDEO, but no it's fake.
There's a far away satellite that takes real photos of Earth every couple minutes, you can see it online.
But no, that's fake too.
People will call any evidence fake. So when people's ignorant takes basically amount to evidence is all fake, everyone is deceived, all those millions of people that work in these VERY scientific fields where a small mistake can mean the difference between success and failure, yet all of it based on lies?
FUCK right off with that bullshit.
I'm not going to discuss this anymore. If people think we don't live on a globe spiraling through the cosmos, well, good on them. They are fucking idiots that don't know where to place their faith.