I dont care about flat earth, ppl have the right to theorize about it, but the fucking spam of 15 threads where like 13 have one video linked each is fucking unbearable... make one fucking thread and link all videos there!
I dont care about flat earth, ppl have the right to theorize about it, but the fucking spam of 15 threads where like 13 have one video linked each is fucking unbearable... make one fucking thread and link all videos there!
No way to know the shape? No way at all? None, like taking pictures via satelites? Sending up a camera? No way at all?
FFS. I know we should question everything, but choosing not to believe things like the shape of the Earth is straight up stupidity at this point in time.
There are hundreds of different types of jobs in the following fields that would just plain not work without knowledge of our planet: physics, geophysics, astronomy, aerospace, anything related navigation, anything related to statelites, shipping boats...
You would have to fool millions and millions of THE smartest minds on the planet.
It is just not possible at this point with the technology and education we have.
I'm sorry, but FUCK FLAT EARTH. We're on a fucking globe, like EVERY single other celestial body we can see in the sky.
I'm not talking scientists being fooled, they are working in fields and doing math that makes things work that would be IMPOSSIBLE on a flat earth. You will never convince me you are smarter than every person in the entire aurospace field and they are all in on some grand secret.
It's fucking stupid.
Here you are typing on the internet, which is based on millions of people's combined knowledge, disbelieving entire fields of science because you haven't seen the Earth is a fucking globe.
Education has come a long way, but it definitely has to come further if people like you still exist.
I haven't seen an electron with my eyes, but my TV works. Guess I'll have to buy an electron microscope, electricity is fake.
Fucking moronic take is what flat earth is.
Perhaps the truth is stranger than you realize.
Every field of science you referenced can operate under two very different theories of how the universe works.
The crux of the flat Earth conspiracy really isn't even in what shape the Earth is. The true hidden knowledge is in HOW it works. Gravity, according to the research of such scientists as Nikola Tesla, is a scam and a fundamental misunderstanding of the electromagnetic nature of our Universe.
Now why would anyone want to steer the public away from electromagnetism and its possible relation to why up is up, and down is down? It would mean that we are living and breathing in a sea of electricity that, with the right tool, tools which Tesla designed, we could provide free clean energy to everyone on the Earth.