posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +7 / -0

I have started going through all big tragedies in modern history to see if there is some potential deep state involvement, and started thinking about the Atomic Bomb.

We can safely say that, even if there are no conspiracies, main stream explanations for most issues (big and small) are at least incomplete and in many cases intentionally misleading.

With this in mind, wanted to start a discussion on the use of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Couple of conspiracies we can throw right off the bat: "No nuclear bombs" theory which says nuclear weapons are a hoax and that Japan was firebombed. Can be easily disproved with available pictures and eye witness accounts.

The most compelling alternate explanation I came across is this: Truman wanted to get a really strong leverage against Soviet Russia and he wanted the war to continue until they had an Atomic Bomb ready to go. He also wanted to make sure they use it live, to send the message of how serious this weapon is.

The core contention for this theory is that, while Japanese rejected unconditional surrender in Potsdam, internally they were ready to surrender with the only condition that the emperor still retain his title. The further contention is that American Intel, and by extension, Truman was aware of this, but intentionally ignored it and demanded unconditional surrender simply to prolong the war long enough to be able to use the Bomb. I havent been able to find any evidence to support this theory yet, just conjectures.

Would love to hear what folks here think, and if there is any evidence you folks have come across that indicates Japan was willing to surrender (with some caveats) before the usage of the Bomb.