posted ago by BaltimoreCrew ago by BaltimoreCrew +12 / -1

Anyone got any personal spook stories?

I have 2-3, but I’ll share an interesting one with you. My dad was an MP in the Army and moonlighted for the CIA in the late 50s because there was no major overseas mess they were fully staffed for where he was at, he’s 80 so this was early on. I’m not up on their history in terms of numbers, but my dad has never once in his life lied to me.

So, he was in Haiti and the Dominican Republic during their revolution running important people around and doing security in a remote post that was mixed in with CIA dudes. They were also flying ops and boat runs around Cuba. Lots of confusion he said. One day they’d be shooting across the river at people, the next in some remote airstrip doing security on an island he couldn’t recall.

I guess they had offices and a regular base somewhere and one of the guys couldn’t pass some rank test or certification in intelligence and one of the CIA dues overheard this and offered to help. Apparently this guy had a mental block and had studied, but just couldn’t pass the exam.

And so, the CIA guys offered to hypnotize him without study before he went in to take his next exam and he scored perfectly. The Army assumed he cheated because no one has passed with a 100% correct score. On the forced retest without being hypnotized he failed lol.

End of story.