The irony is that it's coming from the son of the man who was part of the rigged elections. The dude didn't even try to fight back or stand up for this country,
Trump was on phone calls doing his best to expose the fraud because no one else would. He called everyone to DC on Jan 6th to help expose the fraud and get it overturn because no one else would.
Trump + the patriots couldn't stop it. The swamp is bigger than all of us.
The irony is that it's coming from the son of the man who was part of the rigged elections. The dude didn't even try to fight back or stand up for this country,
Trump was on phone calls doing his best to expose the fraud because no one else would. He called everyone to DC on Jan 6th to help expose the fraud and get it overturn because no one else would.
Trump + the patriots couldn't stop it. The swamp is bigger than all of us.
Think. It's pantomime. It wasn't leaked he played you Pleases think.