58 KARY MULLIS, PCR TEST INVENTOR: "Fauci knows nothing about nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it into an electron microscope and if it's got a virus in there you'll know it! (twitter.com) posted 4 years ago by kratomlol 4 years ago by kratomlol +60 / -2 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Convenient he died of a covid related illness a mere couple of months before all this kicked off?
Why does this seem to be filmed in the 80s?
Spez: it probably was. Early critism.
It was. They are talking about HIV.
Nah, he's known the plan for years. He was told to flip flop and pay dumb as part of the plan. That's how you demoralize the idiots playing along.