posted ago by Jammyjams ago by Jammyjams +8 / -0

Think it would be nice to get a list of sources together because of this terrible bullshit that is happening. My list-

Dan Bongino- Rumble

Dinesh D’Souza- Rumble

Lin Wood-

SGT Report- Bitchute

Mike Adams Situation Report-Bitchute

Simon Parkes- Bitchute

Charley Ward- Bitchute

X22 report- Bitchute

Curious as to who you guys follow. Maybe I'm missing some people that I should be following. I'm also interested in Gab. I dont know the user names of many of the truth tellers, so if you guys know some, would appreciate it.

Stay strong everyone. We are in the storm, but good always wins. Have faith, never submit, never ever give our rights up.

They are shitting in their pants. You see Pelosi absolutely pooping her pants and going crazy?

They know how powerful each of us are. They cannot accept the unity that will crush them. Their totalitarian methods have backfired, the wave is coming for them.

God Bless You All.