posted ago by NotAPengali ago by NotAPengali +28 / -11

There are literally people on there that are falling over themselves trying to vilify the overwhelmingly peaceful protest that took place the other day that they and the rest of the msm are calling “the capitol riots”.

For the record, I’m am 100% not “pro-Trump”. I AM, however, pretty against those people who are unquestioningly taking in the results of an election that appears to have been decided by deceit and chicanery. I’m not “pro-Trump”, but Biden seems to be a far worse choice. That dude should not be president. At all.

I hate to not give the human species more credit, but the extent to which so many of us have allowed ourselves to be manipulated by the mainstream speaks very badly about the critical thinking abilities of so many humans on this planet. Our continuing to allow ourselves to be led blindly and ignorantly by a covert cabal that obviously does not have our best interest in mind will ensure that we continue to remain as dumbed down and enslaved as so many of us generally are.

I’m glad, u/axolotl_peyotl, that you created this site. Hopefully it fosters more REAL critical thinking and intelligent analysis of just how manipulated we as a civilization of humans on Earth are.