posted ago by northkoreandetergent ago by northkoreandetergent +12 / -2

I legit think these ppl aren't as smart as we may give them credit for due to their seemingly infinite resources. They clearly don't think much of the general population's intelligence (and I completely understand why), but 'hubris is the fall of all powerful men', as they say.

I see unbridled arrogance in every move these cats make. If they really wanted to do this successfully, I shouldn't be able to see right through it. You shouldn't be able to see right through it. As conspiracy theorists, this is one of the most perplexing things....how can they make this ruse so obvious? Is that on purpose? Maybe we have to consider our opponent here isn't actually intellectually superior to us. They live in ivory towers, they are completely out of touch with the reality the majority of us inhabit. Clearly what they're doing is working on a large level....but their whole agenda plans for their NWO has kept getting pushed back. 2012, 2021, now 2030....it keeps getting prolonged. Why?

The biggest obstacle for us now is our fellow human beings that have succumbed to fear and are going along with the script given to them. We can make this whole thing stop tomorrow if we collectively say 'no.' to it. Authority is an illusion; our agreement to follow the rules is either earned by undeniable competency, or begrudgingly conceeded at the threat of violence. There's no evidence of the former at this point in time, so we have to consider the people who would be forced to commit the acts of violence that would cement TPTB's authority are normal people just like us. They can be swayed to not mindlessly do what they're told by their friends and family.

These people who are going along with what the TV says are not our enemies. We need to remember that to avoid creating more division among an already divided human populace. We're all on the same side now, coz these cats are laying all their cards on the table and making their allegiances known. Our leaders and institutions are against us, and if they can't pull off whatever they're cooking up, they'll never be able to come back to power because they're now showing their true colors. All the artificial things we've been being conditioned with to make us hate one another (race, religion, sexual orientation, w/e) are suddenly inconsequential, as there is a very clear threat against all of us as human beings. We can sort out our differences once there isn't an obvious, identifiable menace that wants to enslave us all. The forward-facing people perpetuating this whole 'pandemic' have big budgets, but they also have horrible reputations and a disdain and haughtiness for humanity that makes them easy to ridicule and dismiss.

There's nothing that unites people like a common enemy.

^That's the message we need to be preaching. "us" vs. "them"...the same tricks they've been using on us since time immortal, except our paucity of resources compared to them means we need to rely on the strongest (yet most difficult to harness) things of all as our weapons: love, empathy, and compassion. They think their media apparatus' have more sway on our opinions & actions than our own friends and families do. Unfortunately in many cases that's true, but we can resist simply by reconnecting with each other, listening to each other with compassion and empathy, and trying to share information in the least hostile/antagonistic way possible. Everyday that we're asked to 'not believe our lying eyes' and disavow the reality we see around us for the fantasy TV and news are hitting us with, more and more ppl wake up.

Don't argue with your friends and family about all this: it's a huge ask to make someone completely reject the sources that have been dictating their conception of reality their entire lives. Approach those situations with Christ-like compassion, and do your research forreal so you can come correct when someone has finally broken down and is willing to consider the possibility everything they know could be wrong. This is no time for hysterics or name-calling, this is a time for understanding and empathy and coming together.