I think you're right. It really does not matter who wins Biden or Joe according to prophesy, their will of one world government and domination will be achieved.
Right, that's the point. None of this is hidden. Everyone just brushes it off. Everyone seems to brush off all the jewish connections to the Trump family.
I think you're right. It really does not matter who wins Biden or Joe according to prophesy, their will of one world government and domination will be achieved.
It's even on Wikipedia:
Ivanka Trump: Jewish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanka_Trump
Married to Jared Kushner: Jewish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner
Even CNN Knows they're Jews: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/state/ivanka-trump-religion/
Jared Kushner had investments in 666 Fifth Avenue for al one time: https://www.wsj.com/articles/kushner-family-close-to-deal-to-unload-666-fifth-avenue-1533322813
It's pretty clear they are not what they seem. We are all being played.
Trump, also Jewish probably controlled by Sheldon Adelson according to Roger Waters: https://video.replaye.com/articles/read/roger-waters-sheldon-adelson-is-puppet-master-pulling-trump-pompeo-s-strings_282.html
The Jews have infiltrated everything. They want to see the destruction and control of the world.
Here's a great video on the zionist plan, this guy seems to know what's going on: https://video.replaye.com/watch/u9Y2mT2UQXmTdpM
“Even CNN knows they’re Jews.”
Yeah, dude. Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner. This isn’t a conspiracy.
Right, that's the point. None of this is hidden. Everyone just brushes it off. Everyone seems to brush off all the jewish connections to the Trump family.
Jewish people exist. It’s not a conspiracy. Have you ever met one?
They exist & they have infiltrated and purchased our country.
Watch this video: https://video.replaye.com/watch/u9Y2mT2UQXmTdpM
It's a lot to follow but this dude is onto something.
You can start it from around 50:00 timestamp to get to all the juicy stuff.