It seems to me that if you have even a shred of a sceptical mind you would think the whole covid pandemic is an absolute scam. It makes not sense to destroy the world over such a tame virus. And so when I browse r/conspiracy it makes me realize how truly compromised that website is. It’s supposed to be the most sceptical sub reddit yet acts like the rest of reddit.
What is the consensus here? So far it seems people generally think it’s bullshit, with a healthy bit of more moderate opinions mixed in
I'm not sure you will find any 'consensus' here.
I can only offer my view.
The reaction to the virus does not match what honest efforts to control a virus, like this, would look like. The reaction is also way out of proportion to the lethality of the virus. So of course I assume there is an alternative goal from the controllers.
I'm sure there are folks here who don't think the virus is real. I was in that camp for quite some time questioning if the 'tests' were just throwing back positives based on any old coronavirus being present. Over time, through experience, I've learned that people who test positive for this virus, and are sick, have unique symptoms that don't match typical coronaviruses or flus. Namely the body aches being different than previously experienced, the loss of taste and smell (usually preceded by a bad taste), and a bit of extended lethargy comparative to past infections.
On the most part, the folks I know who've had it will say it wasn't a very big deal - they've had much more intense flus and coronaviruses in the past even if they didn't last quite as long as covid. That being said - I also know several people who have lost an elderly relative.
So in summary - I think the virus is real - I think the response is fake.
I don't know anybody who think the virus is not real. That's probably a false information to make people think that we are this type of pepole.
I qenuinely questioned it based on the sheer infowarfare. Early on I recognized we got punked by chinese leaked videos. It wasnt much of a leap that NY killed a bunch of people with unnecessary vents and sending sick into nursing homes (a good flu coupled with unnecessary venting will kill the elderly very efficiently). I dont think my questioning of a real novel virus was misplaced considering what I was witnessing. As time went on so did my knowledge and experience, we grow and change positions.