After using this website for the last week, I have to say it: We need better CSS styling. I've tried, I really have... But, the styling here is awful. Ah, I feel so much better now. Anyone else agree, or is it just me being the Web Designer/Developer that I am? Would love to hear all y'all's thoughts along with what options we have u/axolotl_peyotl and u/Doggos. If you need help with the CSS then I can help. If not, then I'm going to code a plugin/addon for my personal use and share it, because I can't take it any longer and I have a feeling others coming from Reddit probably agree!
Yay! I'm not the only picky asshole (the stickied post that included css on the list was mine lol). I might submit a few header options to the community and see if anyone likes anything. I'm better at graphics than css.
I'm not really talking about the header graphic, I just want a better night/dark theme for here. If Axo or the admins of .win don't do anything then I'm just going to code an addon that will mimic old.reddit dark theme. I know, I know... Fuck Reddit, and yes... But, I've been using that website for 10+ years. I like the old minimal dark styling and I guaran-fuckin-tee that I'm not the only one.
What's your beef w the night theme? Just making sure you know there's an option under settings.
It's blue and I fuckin' hate blue. You can tell a designer didn't come up with the CSS here.
Fair enough. Honestly, I don't really ever use night mode myself.