posted ago by PyramidsAreCrazyShit ago by PyramidsAreCrazyShit +117 / -5

I want this place to survive. I'm active here every day, trying to do my part to lift up good content.
We need a mod team, not one person. I'm seeing pornographic images on the new feed late at night. Also obvious trolling posts. Right now, there's a pin up photo of the First Lady on the top of the hot page. One person can't manage it 24/7.
We need agreed upon rules. Can you use hateful language and tear down other members on a personal level? Can you post porn? Are memes allowed? What about tweet screenshots? Are SS required?
We need shared focus. What's the ethos of this place? I'd like to see it develop into a place of shared learning and information. Collaborative in nature. A lot of people (mostly shills) are just here to tear others down and kill friendly, open discussion.
We need to combat shills. I'll define this as people who don't want to participate in the community in good faith. They never make posts or comments, except to lash out at other users or the community in general. They only make posts or comments that aren't conspiracies and are intended to incense the community.
CSS upgrades is a lower tier need, but it would be cool to give this place some personality and life to help draw in new users. Flair would be great. Categories to sort by (if possible) would be great.
.... This probably came off a bit like shitting on the mods. I apologize if so. I am thankful for the community provided by doggos and to axolotl_peyotl for bringing us here.
TLDR: I think there needs to be a community discussion about forward steps.