posted ago by Jammyjams ago by Jammyjams +56 / -7

If you're on this new forum, you're probably a pro at realizing that we live in a pretend society. But things have been accelerating, which makes my alarm bells ring at an all time high. But I'm interested in what like-minded people think about the current events. Let's list them.

  1. Covid- obviously a scam, and obviously being used to usher in a new agenda of control. Whether the virus is real or not, it definitely isn't as dangerous as the MSM told us it was. Right when I saw the fear-mongering from the MSM, I knew this was a scam. Let's remember 9/11 and what happened there... The worldwide effect indicates that the TPTB are coordinating this for some agenda, which is obviously the health dictatorship.

  2. Election fraud of the President of the United States. I'm certain this always existed to a certain extent, but this is the 2nd major coup attempt on this President. They really do not want him there, which makes me cheer for him. The MSM, deep state, and the dems have tried their hardest to get him booted out of office. Not working... and I can only celebrate their failures.

  3. Solar Winds, Fire Eye hack. Like the video from iceage farmer, this is fucking troublesome. Look at his video about the KlausFuck and the tabletop exercise they had on this cyberpandemic. Just like event 201, they always tell you before they do it. I believe this is the beginning of this new fucked up world we are entering in to. These three events are not coincidence. If you take an objective look at the situation, run the math behind the odds of these all happening, there is a design present. The Cyberpandemic is the scariest shit that makes me quiver when I think about the possibilities of what they can do. They are attacking. And now that the election fraud didn't work, they will have to go with the Plan B, which I am certain equates to civil unrest, and some sort of infrastructure disturbance that puts us in a position of desperation to accept their new world order. Get ready shit is about to go down. Any thoughts are appreciated. Always love hearing from people who know the scam of this world.