I know you all guys know a lot about what's coming... But I suspect you aren't guessing that the vaccine (mandatory to do basically anything) will have a certification that can't be tampered or counterfeit because it will be recorded in a Blockchain system. This means that it's impossible to have fake papers or fake blockchain transactions. Just like Bitcoin, you can't process a fake transaction in it.
This way we have no escape and can't fake it. On top of that the vast majority of public places will require those documents to let you in and the venues that WON'T ask you for your papers are going to deemed illegal and will be shut down in no-time.
There is basically no way out, tampering papers is not possible and hoping for a community that won't asks the papers is utopia.
I am well aware that boomers will take this shot but I wonder what young people will do. If you are in your 20s how can you cope with the fact that you can't live a normal life anymore? You won't get a job or girlfriend, you won't be able to visit your parents, you won't be able to buy things and go out for dinner. While I understand that many of you right now will say "I am not going to take it, no matter what! I'll live in the woods" This is a common response and not gonna lie, I don't think you'll live like that for long. Just think about salt, if you live in the woods getting salt is one of the hardest thing to get... Nature doesn't have salt available unless you live near the seaside or are willing to drink blood of animals... However. I am not here to let you down guys, I am just interested in hearing what's the plan because I'm not going to believe there will be large communities of people that move to the woods, it's not gonna happen. What is the plan? What can we do?
I highly doubt this will be enforceable everywhere soon. It will take a lot of time. In the short term, you might not be able to travel internationally, that's it. I also suspect a lot of pushback against it. So it's not set in stone that there will be no escape from it. At least, I hope that's the case.
A lot of time? You assume they just started with this... But I bet they planned the entire shitshow a LONG time ago. Maybe even 10 years ago, it's just a set of step they need to follow and in no-time everything will be ready. They do not need to develop from scratch