posted ago by untumulted ago by untumulted +40 / -3

Allen Dulles helped set up the CIA after being Intelligence in WWII and was CIA Director from 1953-1961, when he was fired by JFK for invading the Bay of Pigs.

His brother, John Foster Dulles, a banker for the Rockefellers, was Secretary of State from 1951-1959.

Prescott Bush was a powerful Senator in 1952-1962. He had recruited Nixon, who was Vice President at this time.

Prescott and Allen Dulles had laundered money for the Rockefellers and Nazis during WWII. Prescott's father had worked for John D. Rockefeller's brother and the Rockefellers for decades.

Prescott's son, George Bush, buys into the Zapata oil company in 1953, alongside an CIA agent. The Bay of Pigs Invasion was called Operation Zapata by the CIA. Nixon referred to the JFK assassination as the "Bay of Pigs" thing.

By the end of Eisenhower's presidency, when he gave his famous Military-Industrial Complex and Technocracy speech, this is why he was faced with. A massive cabal that the Rockefellers and friends had developed for over 5 decades.

The Rockefellers firmly in control of media, medical practices, pharmaceuticals, beginning to push "Chicago Boys" economics through the "Chile Project" (Dulles), education, oil and energy infrastructure, psychology, human population studies, petrochemicals, banking, etc.

The example of the men they had at lead government positions was reflected through the other industries and sectors they influenced. To call them pervasive is an understatement. They not only controlled private industry, but the academics around the industries, regulating bodies within the government, how the media reported it and even the opposition.

If you are surprised at how deep the Deep State goes, you are just getting started.