I believe it's because they actually believe their own hype about how they are a divine master race and everyone else were only put here to service them as disposable slaves.
I suspect Jews especially hate the white race because we the white race's spirituality, technology, art, medicine and philosophy all make a laughingstock of the Jew's religious beliefs that they are superior.
It's basically small penis syndrome: Jews so desperately want to feel superior and powerful that they want to enslave others.
It's impossible for anyone who considers themselves to be divine master race to integrate productive with "lesser life forms", which is why Jews have a history and a reputation of lying, stealing, treachery and sexually hurting children with the same moral ease as a farmer collects eggs from his chickens.
I believe it's because they actually believe their own hype about how they are a divine master race and everyone else were only put here to service them as disposable slaves.
I suspect Jews especially hate the white race because we the white race's spirituality, technology, art, medicine and philosophy all make a laughingstock of the Jew's religious beliefs that they are superior.
It's basically small penis syndrome: Jews so desperately want to feel superior and powerful that they want to enslave others.
I believe this is why Jews are the most exiled people in human history, having been thrown out of 1,031 nations over the past 3,500 years... almost always for sedition, treason and raping children.
It's impossible for anyone who considers themselves to be divine master race to integrate productive with "lesser life forms", which is why Jews have a history and a reputation of lying, stealing, treachery and sexually hurting children with the same moral ease as a farmer collects eggs from his chickens.