In the unfortunate event that Biden gets slipped into the white house:
Lets get juicy. I cannot stop thinking about this. The excuse is going to be COVID-based of course. Linked to the vaccines IMO.
how long is it before trump supporters are sent to "isolation" camps so they dont contaminate the rest of population? Democrats are usually pro-vax, so statistically most who dont have the vaccine will be Conservatives. Its the perfect litmus test for
the globalists to see who to exterminate. *History repeats itself. All communist countries usually end with genocide.
You Mean “Amazon fulfillment centers” right? oh.. Same Thing!
Not gonna be a Biden presidency.
The problem is doing it in such a way as for large groups not to realize what's happening and no leftist despot is smart enough nor are their followers capable enough to do that. When people start hearing that groups are being "sent away" it's going to wind up with people shooting first and not bothering to ask questions later.
Same issue as trying to remove firearms on a massive scale. That's just going to backfire on anyone that tries it because they aren't smart or capable enough to handle it correctly. That's the positive about leftists, they're fucking retarded from the top in terms of the elites pulling this all the way down. If they were actually intelligent we wouldn't see half the shit that we do.