WTF? I have only been to the .win until something linked me to the other today... where my account worked. I'm sure someone can explain it in a comment?

This is the programmable search link I had been using: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=8b00e5b7a4ef906d8
In past, I could also search greatawakening.win by doing trump site:greatawakening.win and anything that had trump in post heading or comments would be returned. this no longer works for greatawakening.win but does work for other sites. For example trump site:americanthinker.com
I have not tied this function with being connected to my VPN, but that should not make a difference.

Looks like the SSL certificate expired today and GreatAwakening.win is no longer accessible.
Even if people access via the scored.co portal, images etc dont work since they are linked to media.greatawakening.win.
Urgent help needed!
In the meantime you can still use either
https://scored.co/c/greatawakening or
https://communities.win/c/greatawakening to access the site.

just saying
Disclaimer: NOTHING in the post has been produced by myself. The information are available in the internet with the source(s) provided.
“Think multiple MEANINGs.”Q.
US Congressmen Claim Bible Has ‘Pretty Clear’ Evidence of UFOs: Vatican Knows Aliens Are Here https://www.howandwhys.com/us-congressmen-claim-bible-has-pretty-clear-evidence-of-ufos-vatican-knows-aliens-are-here/
Two Republican Congressmen claim UFOs could be 'angels' sent by GOD as they say sightings are consistent with scriptures from the Bible https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12974671/Two-Republican-Congressmen-claim-UFOs-angels-sent-GOD-say-sightings-consistent-scriptures-Bible.htm
Bible Verses about Aliens https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-aliens/
NASA used religious experts to predict how humans may react to aliens https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/587480-nasa-hired-religious-experts-to-predict-how-humans/
Tucker Carlson on UFO’s and the Vatican – It’s Spiritual 👀 ~ December 28, 2023 https://roserambles.org/2023/12/27/tucker- carlson-on-ufos-and-the-vatican-its-spiritual-%F0%9F%91%80-december-28-2023/
Tucker & UFO Whistleblower Dave Grusch on What These UFO's Really Are, and Whether Government Officials Have Been in Contact With Them https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1736243875507757277
David Grusch Reveals Disturbing UFO Secrets to Tucker Carlson: Claims of Death & Physical Harm in Cover-Up https://www.howandwhys.com/david-grusch-on-tucker-carlson-interview/
Pentagon whistleblower says the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligences and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Mussolini at the end of WW2 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12189773/Pentagon-whistleblower-says-Vatican-aware-existence-non-human-intelligences.html
Florida Congresswoman says she 'absolutely believes' UFOs are 'not of human origin' - after private briefings by military https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13105301/anna-paulina-luna-believes-UFOs-not-human-origin.html
There is DVD of US Intelligence Members Communicating with Extraterrestrials, Former US Military Claims https://www.howandwhys.com/there-is-dvd-of-us-intelligence-members-communicating-with-extraterrestrials-former-us-military-claims/
Ex-Israeli Space Head Interview On UAPs: Aliens Exist & Working With US Astronauts On Mars https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-israeli-space-head-interview-on-uaps/
Paul Hellyer testimony: People's Disclosure Transcription of the video titled, "2 Living ET's Working With US Government" posted on Vimeo at http://vimeo.com/65430488 http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com/2013/05/transcription-of-paul-hellyer-testimony.html
MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files
Source unless otherwise specified https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf https://files.catbox.moe/ja65mf.pdf
How do you keep a secret? You tell a lie to a child. The lie becomes instinct and they will fight to the death defend it if it challenges their world view enough.
Quote. "We will continue to ask 'Are we alone?'."
End quote.
Allow me to answer this for you, really quickly.
You are not alone.
Earth is not THAT special.
It's just a planet
One in a trillion.
Majestic 12 was created at the direction of President Truman in 1947 in response to the Zetas that crashed at Roswell.
The Majestic has made contact with over a thousand species since the inception of MJ-12. Many of them are friendly. Some are dangerous.
Majestic 12 was created in 1947 immediately after Roswell because National Security interests (Holy See) wanted us to cover up the Extraterrestrial life forms and the alternative physics that they use.
The Majestic 12 in its earliest formations served the Vatican exclusively on all matters relating to God. The presence of beings were withheld from the Vatican by Mil Intel however the Vatican was already in open dialogue with ZR prior.
Question. What was the Vatican observatory really looking for?
Answer. Tracking UFOs and ETs actively coming/going from Earth.
Reasons of National Security were the threat of ETs in Space and the power hungry Vatican essentially forced the hand of the United States through people's faith in false and dogmatic religions.
In the past humans worshiped ETs as Gods because of their advanced knowledge.
Your "God" was an illusion designed to install the New World Order. Mostly lies, even thought the actual text in the Bible does resonate many truths with the true nature of the universe. Those exist so that the humans who control the world can appease their "God", an interdimensional being who has a particular liking for child sacrifice.
“Those with a religious viewpoint are likely to regard UFOs as Satanic and Reverend Paul Inglesby backin 1978 wrote a book on the subject: UFOs and the Christian, where he warned that the subject was riddled with falsehoods and the unwary. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html
The covert intelligence group covering up UFOs: New documentary lifts lid on 'Collins Elite' - secret Pentagon group that believe craft buzzing around in our skies are 'demonic' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html
This is why religions have emphasized the importance of knowing that all inter-dimensional entities that exist in higher realms of consciousness who are not in the lower plane[t] of existence as you must be interpreted as being dangerous or demons.
Jesus was a creation of the Vatican taken from multiple IS-BEs such as Thoth, Enoch, Lucifer, Satan, and [3 others].
Religions tell you this is Jesus/God.
Question. How long have we been slaves to Dracos and other negative ETs? 6000 years? 25,000? 75,000? 300,000?
Answer. 8,000 years.
Who invaded Earth 8,000 years ago?
Go back 75,000 years. Why emphasize 8,000?
Enki & Ea So Enki invaded 8,000 years ago. I'm guessing Enki was evil Sirian Annunaki LARPing as God so humans would worship him.
End comments.
Answer. No positive ET groups had a strong enough presence on Earth in the past 3000-4000 years to make the history books.
Before the invasion of Earth, people were FREE.
We kept humanity from imploding on the fact that not only are ETs real but they've also been calling the shots on Earth for thousands of years while feeding on your children. u/#q1964 More information on “Children are being kidnapped, TORTURED, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL.Q” 👁🥺👀second comments by “intheyear2525” on the link below: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP1nxOtc/children-are-being-kidnapped-tor/c/
The fundamental and most Majestic question of all is where did humans come from? The Majestic 12 kept ET disclosure secret because the Vatican demanded it.
Question. Oh ok then, tell us about Antarctica, the ancient structures and what was found? Crashed ships in South America?
Answer. There is a reason Antartica has been out of the "news" and education systems. The beings there do not want anything to do with "our world."
Comment. hmmm ook... but it would be interesting to know what was found there...
Answer. Things that contradict creation and evolution.
Comment. Exactly why the world needs to know, instead of living a lie... The world need to know that we were created trough genetic programs by ET's and our true history. Maybe you should release some info.
Answer. Truth paints a cold image of reality that lacks consciousness. It is essential to preserve consciousness in the disclosure process. Unfortunately, people are so programmed they will die and murder to protect their lie from being exposed.
Comment. That's very true unfortunately, the people of this earth are to programmed to believe a lie.
Answer. And the people of Earth who have been programmed into zombie drones pose a systemic danger to peaceful ET races that live on Earth. Part of holding back on disclosure is in consideration of their protection FROM humans.
so remind us again why all this was kept secret? how did it benefit humanity? what right did you have to keep it secret?
Every elected member of the Government at the time believed through their religion (and freedom of belief) that life originated by "God" in Genesis and that to propose an alternate interpretation of creation that does not include God, worldwide collapse would take place.
The Majestic Truth is all humans are a product of multiple alien species interbreeding and experimenting on reality.
Illuminati took the original intention of the Bible, which was preplanned Disclosure. In turn, they weaponized almost every faction within Christianity to hide the true reality of nature from mankind.
They were going to use AI/Holograms to make the illusion real. Christianity has prepared people for this scenario that was engineered by the bloodline families who have centralized all power and control (because they believe that empowering themselves saves lives).
The Bible was constructed by the same bloodline families that founded the Illuminati.
Cabal fantasized myths and "prophecies" that "write the future" (because IS-BE's read them and act upon what they say, the IS-BE therefore creates that future themselves).
Prophecies become self fulfilling when you allow them to be real.
What is the Bible?
“Ironically, “The Book” is not just one book. It is a library of books, put together in one volume.” pg 21, How to read your Bible; St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992,1987,1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea
Who are the authors of the books of the Bible?
“THE AUTHORS OF THESE BOOKS ARE MOSTLY UNKNOWN.” pg 21, How to read your Bible; St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992,1987,1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea
Vatican New American Bible https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0839/_INDEX.HTM
PSA: Every “book” on the Vatican link has an INT, an introduction describing the contents, outline, authorship, dates of publication, etc. It also has a word glossary/index.
Daniel: “the author, who is actually unknown”
Revelation: “The author of the book calls himself John (⇒ Rev 1:1, 4, 9; ⇒ 22:8), …Although he never claims to be John the apostle, whose name is attached to the fourth gospel, … Indeed, vocabulary, grammar, and style make it doubtful that the book could have been put into its present form by the same person(s) responsible for the fourth gospel.”
Are the scriptures a script for the death cult. It seems as all of the cabal has been pushing for the revelation to end mankind. Or is revelation the Great Awakening and just a new beginning.
Ding ding ding.
Fork in the road.
Choose your path forward.
“Cabal wanted ET Disclosure to be portrayed as the Messiah as their carefully crafted texts all allude to. ETs return + WW3 + Total Domain over Planet Earth. (War against the Domain). Final stage to controlling an entire planet is the roll out of a New World Order.
The Majestic 12 kept ET disclosure secret because the Vatican demanded it.
No easy task when the Vatican has controlled Earth for thousands of years.
Disclosure will take place, and it will be the catalyst to ending the Cabal, establishing the Space Force, and declaring our planet wide independence from the Draco who have long controlled Earth.
The first race to be disclosed will most likely be a hostile enemy of Earth, however part of keeping the public calm during this period will be, as POTUS says, acknowledging that Americans are actually very intelligent and aware of what's really going on. Once the Draco are confronted, at least one other race is planning on coming forward for public First Contact with POTUS to form an alliance that will require a Global Governance (but one that respects sovereignty of tribal states) to stop all Nuclear Proliferation.
EBE is just extraterrestrial biological entity. There are tens of thousands of EBE races that have been cataloged.
The Majestic has been an organization within the US Government since 1947 negotiating peace from over 100,000 races across the galaxy.
NASA hiring Alien Protection Officers implies there are aliens among us today. Hint: We are.
"What percent of "humans" walking on this planet, are actually non-human?'
Less than 5% in the public domain.
Less than 1% have internet connections.
Question. will the inner earth people come forward?
Answer. Convince them why a dangerous savage child race should be graced with their presence. They do not like us surface dwellers for the most part.
Many beings throughout the universe already live here on Earth, just in DUMBs. When full disclosure is made public, permits will be granted to beings who transition off from DUMBs into the general population.
The Majestic 12 has been in contact with different ET groups domestically on planet Earth since the inception of the Majestic 12. The original members of the Majestic 12 were aware of ET presences on Earth, but had not formed official contact with any of them prior to MJ12 est.
Trump Signs Law Establishing U.S. Space Force
Relationships will fracture during the Great Awakening.
The destruction of the OLD GUARD is larger than just the United States. This requires a global GREAT AWAKENING.
The OLD GUARD is being systematically dismantled by the super elite Defense Intelligence Agency. A new future awaits America and it is one that includes disclosing Extraterrestrial life not only here on Earth but also on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and many more.
What do?