free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

election stolen

Notice that election implies selection aka ones free will of choice, which cannot be stolen by another...only willingly given.

Election (suggested choices) tempts selection (consenting choice) to ignore self. Selection (ones choice) establishes election (chosen ones)...

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +2 / -2

CON (together) FUSE (mix)...only within reality can one fuse fiction together.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

We’ll get right on believing that

To believe implies to consent to the suggestion of another aka to establish a leader by following orders aka ones choice selecting chosen ones.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

reason why the elites love decentralization

Being implies center (perception) within circumference (perceivable)...if one consents to a suggestion, then one decentralizes self by leaning towards a side within a conflict of reason.

no centralized leaders

Everything (inception towards death) leads each center (life)...suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) tempts one to de-nial this. Notice furthermore that being led towards death inspires life to resist....not to follow along.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone is equal in death

a) Equal (inception towards death) generates odds (life).

b) IS implies a suggestion tempting one to ignore that perceivable WAS before ones perception came to be...is (odd) tempts one to ignore was (even), hence suggested -isms tempting those who consent at odds with one another within conflicts of reason.

c) Death is being suggested as outcome to distract one from temporary living within the ongoing procession of dying. Living implies in-between inception and death; while dying.

If one consents to suggested outcome, then one ignores perceivable origin...the process of implies generator for living reactors.

d) Preaching implies suggestion (selling); faith implies consent (buying)...buying into what others are selling, while ignoring that only nature offers, sells one out to others.

considering a horrible death...

...implies ignoring to live a delightful life.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) Nature differentiates...those within suggest common-ism to distract from that.

b) Market implies selling (suggestion) and buying (consent)...nature offers everything (perceivable) to everyone (perception) for free will of choice.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

what happens to them after they keep going as much as they can

Suggested determinism tempts one to conclude a sentence, while ignoring to be life sentenced towards point of death. So whenever one of those whiz-kids reaches the conclusion of his efforts; the temptation to set another self imposed conclusion comes into play, which others exploit and steer.

In short...death implies as much as life can go.


Aka nut; nucleus; central mass...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

They say u r a bot. U r a real person?

a) "They" aka suggested pluralism...is that perceivable or can one discern each singular one of "they/them"? If one already consented to pluralism, then how could another singular change ones consent?

b) Person aka per sonos (by sound) implies each one within all sound. All matter is within sound; light; motion; energy etc.

c) Real implies perceivable; fake implies suggested...if one ignores former for latter.

d) Yes I am real and not a bot, nor do I use bots...YET; you seeking confirmation from others, and me suggesting/offering/selling it to you, tempts you to ignore perceivable (real) for suggested (fake) aka ignore offer (perceivable) for resale (suggested) aka that which sets one free for selling self out into bondage to another.

If you consent to what I suggest is real; then you permit me to confirm reality. Suggestion tricks ones consent to deceive self into ignoring reality (perceivable) for fiction (suggested). I try to break this spell.

I appreciate you

Aka applying a price onto another, while ignoring that nature implies perceivable value, and each one within evaluation by perception.

It's few who suggest the rhetoric of "appreciation" to gain control over suggested values among consenting many. FREE will of choice doesn't have a price...it is the prize/reward...unless ignored for the suggested choices by others.

This isn't about me or what I'm writing; but about ones discernment of self by resisting the temptations of others. If I thank you for your appreciation; then I pay fees to your price and fee/vieh implies "cattle".

This simple rhetorical trick is how few keep tabs one the submissive status among many aka cattle-farming.

I think u have a type of insight understanding of language, of tongues.

Others suggest "insight by understanding" as inversion of having sight (perception) within knowledge (perceivable)...it's ones consent to suggested, which tempts one to "stand-under" those suggesting it.

I didn't accumulate insight...I learned to let go of understanding, which in return freed me to discern myself as one having sight within all. Anyone can do that; but consenting to what another suggests tempts one to ignore this.

Self discernment cannot be shared...it's a homegrown effort. Everyone can suggest "who; where; what and why" one is, but only one can discern self within what was before one came to be.

I feel God is not an easy thing to comprehend

One cannot feel names/nouns/numbers/brands/idols/suggested information/words/definitions etc. Others shape these to tempt ones feeling (perception) to ignore origin (perceivable).

Your consent to the suggested word "God" implies holding onto something, while ignoring that everything perceivable moves. Others even suggest "unmoved mover" through aristotelianism to distract from discerning that holding onto, while being moved makes one the unmoving within motion...which implies ones ignorance/denial of being moved.

This ignorance/denial implies suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) and ones consent to de-nial perceivable for it, which is why you wrote "God is not". God implies everything perceivable; Not implies ones denial thereof for suggested.

Instead of viewing "God" as mover; try mo-tion, which implies mote within action, which further implies oneself as mote within all action.

Try male (motion) generating female (momentum) for off-spring (matter) to discern self. Others suggest "father" to distract from motion; "son" to distract from matter; and "holy ghost" to distract from momentum.

If one discerns self as matter; within momentum of motion, then ghost/spirit within holy/whole implies Latin spiro; to breathe.

What he wants. What he really wants from man.

Motion implies need; matter implies want...matter (life) needs to resist wanted temptation of motion (inception towards death) aka wanting to hold onto; while needing to let go of...ones struggle of self sustenance.

From your perspective...God implies need, while you, son of god, need to struggle with wanted temptations.

How could you discern self if others suggest you to position father; son and holy ghost outside yourself, which you do by consenting to their suggestions, while ignoring perceivable.

It's not as simple as "be...

Simple (one-fold) + complex (many-fold)...all (perceivable) unfolds into each one (perception), while others tempt folding together (suggestion).

Ones consent binding self to the suggestion of another implies one folding into many, hence many folding/bending to few.

Sleight of hand: "bending the light" by folding rays of light together.

be good person

Good implies vs bad...a conflict of reason shaped by ones consent to suggested moralism. Person implies being by (per) sound (sonos)...where's the conflict within that?

Reason implies dissonance within sound; while implication implies resonance within sound...need (implication) or want (reason)...it's ones free will of choice.

break your sanity

Sane implies sound; being implies person aka per-sonos (by sound); hence a differentiation; fragmentation; separation aka breaking of whole into partials.

Others suggest "insane person" to distract one from discerning self as being in (within) sanus (sound) and therefore per (by) sonos (sound). Being called "insane person" tempts one to reason against others, while ignoring the implication (if/then) of being within and by sound.

too deep

a) Being implies center (perception) within circumference (perceivable)....unless choosing to stand-under (understand) another one.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

How is this not murder??

a) Wanting the need-le; seeding the stalk; ignoring that sane (inception towards death) drives crazy (life)...that implies ones free will of choice to consent to a suggested offer.

b) "Kill yourself" implies a suggested temptation until one consents to it. Others utilize temptation to tempt one to ignore resisting (life) perceivable origin (inception towards death).

c) How does one blame others for ones consent given? As easy as...shirking self onto others.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

quiet riot

Fill your lungs and scream as loud as you can....once you're spend, notice that the sound of nature aka the sound of silence is quietly moving on, while you staged your little riot.

Perceivable sound implies silent; suggested word implies noise...consenting to latter tempts one to ignore former, hence others tempting ones ignorance with for example "Cum On Feel The Noize".


Aka PATI/POTI (potential; power) SHAH (empowered) aka action (inception towards death) generating reactions (life).

with a hole in his chest

Aka WHOLE (perceivable) within ONE (perception)...others utilize suggestion to plant within one.

running away

Not away from...within (life) a way (inception towards death). Others suggest progressivism to tempt one to run towards outcomes, while ignoring perceivable origin (balance) for ones being (choice).

Notice a child learning to stand/walk by finding balance....yet adults seem to ignore that balance, while running towards whatever fucking goals others suggest them to chase after. Instead...try drawing inspiration from the child landing on his butt; crying and then getting back up to show balance who's wielding free will of choice.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

systems will most likely collapse as all broken institutions will but once it does, we need to do collective Policing

COL-lapse + COL-lect implies together (co/com/col)...being implies apart from one another. That which sets apart collapses everything collected together.

to make the victim whole again

a) It's whole (inception towards death) which generates partials (life) by setting itself apart internally.

Others suggest putting partials together aka collectivism aka fixing broken to make whole again aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) etc. That is the wanted temptation each partial needs to resist to sustain self within whole.

b) VIC'TIM noun (Latin victima) - "sacrificial animal" implies to set apart (life) within animation (inception towards death).

If Natural Law has been broken...

...then each "broken" one within can balance on LAND; breathe AIR and be solid within fluid of WATER.

See something? Blow...

Sight is made possible by nature blowing life into one. All perceivable blows through each ones perception. Momentum (inception towards death) of Motion blows through each matter (life).

Blow a whistle to catch attention.

a) If all perceivable doesn't catch the attention of ones perception; yet a suggestion by another can with a whistle; then maybe attention doesn't need to be caught.

What if each one already "attends" all? What if being one within all implies "free" from one another? What's up with the suggested "catch and release" process aka "till death set us apart"? Ever try to catch a breath, while holding onto it before release? Very exhausting...

b) Whistle implies whisper...a suggested whistle; no matter how loud, implies a mere whisper within the sound of nature.

All perceivable is always there; which is why others utilize suggested to draw ones attention from everything. Both whistle and whisper focus ones attention one another aka a distraction/narrowing/obfuscation of ones sight within all.

force offender

Force (inception towards death) offers weakness (life)...weakness needs to draw strength from offered force by resisting the wanted temptation of taking the offer.

Force pushes breath into weakness; weakness draws breath to strengthen self; force takes breath away...weakness cannot take force without ignoring to strengthen self.


Aka BACK (inception towards death) UP (life) aka loss generating growth aka motion generating matter aka origin transmuting being.

ALL backs ONE...other ones aren't ones backup. Seeking backup implies wanting many against few, while ignoring that few control many. One needs to UP self within BACK origin, which fronts one towards outcome.

Natural law backs one up; laws of men keep one down...if one consents to latter; while ignoring former.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

a) VATICAN; noun (Latin vates) - "soothsayer, prophet, seer" aka one who suggests in the name of perceivable.

b) Father (motion) through mother (momentum) into fruit of the womb (matter)...matter implies perception; momentum implies perceivable; motion implies discernible.

A soothsayer suggests in the name of motion (father) to distract matter (child) from momentum (mother). This is also why "in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti" leaves out the mother.

To be implies as one within (life) mother (inception towards death) of all-father.

c) Mother/matris/matrice/matrix - "uterus, womb" aka medium (inception towards death) for matter (life)...few suggest "media" to "mediate" suggested towards consenting many.

d) Freemason implies mason of free aka making sound of free will of choice. One cannot make sound, one exists within sound as insane (in sanus; within sound) person (per sonos; by sound).

Others suggest words shaped within perceivable sound, which implies masonry/ma-sonic/making sound, and putting the G back in there gets you...MA-G-SONIC aka magic sound.

Anyway...sound implies father; spectrum implies mother; wave-frequency implies child.

As for free...free will of choice (matter) implies within balance (momentum)...consenting to the suggested choices by another imbalances ones choice.

Ones choice selects chosen ones suggestion...it's child ignoring mother for other children.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

comparing these images to the likes of what happened in Abu Ghraib, Ukraine, and Nazi Germany

Ashke-nazi Germany; Khazaria and Abu Ghraib... https://img.gvid.tv/i/27ohPDQG.jpg

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Standing implies to be erect, and only during fall (inception towards death) can one be erect (life). Others suggest flags (Latin flacceo; flaccid) to distract from erecting.

b) With implies being (life) within (inception towards death).

c) Either/or implies either one within perceivable or one under suggested...depending on ones free will of choice.

d) Terror (terreo; fear) -ism tempts one to be afraid of suggested outcome; while Israel (yisra'el; striveth with God) implies ones struggle within perceivable origin.

Edit: As for choosing a suggested side... https://img.gvid.tv/i/2tq3EYqL.jpg

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +2 / -1

in realty...art

Artificial (suggested) tempts one to ignore to REspond to ALL (perceivable).

This particular artist

a) Reality sets each part within apart from one another...artifice tempts together.

b) From wikipedia: "There is no generally agreed definition of what constitutes art"...why? Because general/generic/affecting all implies motion, which "agreed upon definitions and constitutions" contradicts.

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

before...was even...

a) Even (inception towards death) forwards being (life); hence life being at odds (choice) within even (balance).

b) Being (life) implies in (inception) and out (death) of origin, hence existing in-between aka now aka at this moment (um) of motion...never before or after.

One cannot perceive before or after...only now. Others suggest before (past) and after (future) to gain control over now (present). What others "present" as suggested captures ones "presence" if consented to.

gnostic sects

Aka GNO (knowledge) SEC (separation) aka all perceivable separating into each ones perception...few suggest gnosticism and pluralism (sects) to tempt singular (one) to ignore perceivable (knowledge; gnostic).

free-will-of-choice 0 points ago +1 / -1

instead needs a mediator

a) Mediation (suggestion) distracts from origin (perception).

b) Origin implies need; mediation implies want, hence a temptation to ignore need, which turns into a conflict of reason (want vs not want).

c) Origin (inception towards death) generates medium (life) aka motion generating matter.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

no "perverted" without first being a straight path

Pervert aka per verto (by turning)...by implies straight; turning implies ones within (life) straight (inception towards death) turning against one another.

Pathos implies straight; logos implies turning against another within a conflict of reason. Few utilize pathology among many aka suggested (logos) to distract from perceivable (pathos).

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

a) Suggestion enchants ones mind if one consents to it...

b) Sorcery implies using source (perceivable) to craft hexes (suggested) within. Why? To distract those who fall under the spell from source.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Line (inception towards death) inspires resistance (life)...others suggest progressivism (guidelines) to tempt one to follow along instead of resisting.

As for apparitions...appearance (perceivable) can be deceptive (suggested).

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

a) Electric motion (inception towards death) generates magnetic matter (life).

b) Electric aka elect (to choose) aka origin of each ones free will of choice...choosing to hold onto implies the magnetic part within electric whole.

c) Others suggest -ism (magnetism) to tempt ones consent to hold onto aka few tempting attraction among many to collectivize them...e pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka united states; united nations; european union; united kingdom; soviet union etc.

d) Perceivable (-) generates perception (+)...hence ones struggle to rise (life) during fall (inception towards death) by re-generating self.

Edit: electric reveals magnetic. Others suggest occultism to conceal revelation. The suggested word "secret" implies applied occultism, hence distracting one from Latin SECO (to separate)...as in...electric whole separating internally into magnetic partials.

Being set apart from one another within whole implies revelation...revealed (life) by action (inception towards death).

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

they say started a business in a basement

Aka suggested heroism...from zero to hero aka build from scratch aka pulled up by bootstraps etc. Heroism is utilized to obscure creationism (out of nothing) by offering an idol's journey.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Masonry's origin

Masonic implies "to make sound"...suggested words are a distortion within perceivable sound IF one consents to ignore latter for former by "free" will of choice.

Example: Suggested "insane person" distorts perceivable...in-sanus (within sound) + per-sonos (by sound). Consenting to former distorts ones discernment within latter.

Suggestion tempting consent implies masonic tempting free to bind itself.

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