Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you think Christian zionism started? That's how you control one group. Holocaust narrative is how you control other groups. Blackmail and extortion is how you control other groups.

If you only control one of those groups then you get overpowered pretty quickly.

Donkeybutt75 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can get raw milk legally in most states, see link below.

One note, raw milk does not have vitamin D, that is created via the irradiation process, so you can either get vitamin D or you can get the real nutrients that milk provides, but not both (get sun while you still can).


Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, black markets have always existed and always will. But make those black markets bigger by working now. Black markets that reach a certain size can essentially operate in the open, and that's what we would want.

To your question, though, the answer depends, right? Are you willing to risk getting caught? If so, then yes, you potentially have a lot to gain, but it is not without tradeoffs.

Things rarely end up at the extremes of possibilities (though sometimes they do), but the reason for that is because of the people that push back. So push back :)

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair arguments, but as you state, they currently have a system that they can fully control. Whether cryptos are a trojan horse or not, people with that much power are not going to just watch that power disappear. They will do literally everything possible to keep it.

Using the constitution analogy, most of the patriot act is/was unconstitutional, but they were pretty easily able to get that through with minimal pushback by crashing a few planes into a few buildings.

And as witnessed during the scamdemic, they were pretty easily able to get the overwhelming majority of world governments on board with the lockdowns and restrictions. There were some outliers, but not many.

They just need to scare enough people, and honestly, for most people I don't think it is too far of a leap for them to accept plugging in blacklists for transactions when they are convinced of the threat of "terrorists", or whatever.

All I'm saying is start working now to try to head that possibility off, either by raising awareness before it happens, or by helping to create alternative, parallel systems that will offer a safe haven.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read my other comment to understand what I mean. Sure, no wallets can be frozen NOW, but what I'm saying is that can very easily be changed, and to me seems incredibly likely that it will.

It won't matter if they are cold wallets or on an exchange. They will add in a requirement to verify the wallet is not on a blacklist to approve the transaction. I would bet everything I have that they will do that, create a false flag event and use it to force the blacklist check. Eventually that will be expanded to integrate a social credit score system.

Forks that do not implement the blacklist checks will not survive because the mainstream system will only recognize the mainline branches with blacklists (meaning you won't be able to use the forks to buy anything in the mainstream system). The same will be true for privacy coins, they just won't be allowed in the mainstream.

That's why I say it is incredibly important to be vocal about this now to try to raise awareness of what they will try before they actually try it. And probably more importantly, start now on creating parallel systems outside of the mainstream system so they are in place and will allow the forked bitcoin and privacy coins, because the mainstream will not be allowed to accept them when the time comes.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not about the rich and powerful, though. Of course they won't be targeted.

If you cause problems for the system, though, whether you are elite or not, you will be targeted in the same way they do now.

See my other comment, it is straightforward and imo incredibly likely that they tie in blacklists that essentially freeze the wallets of "terrorists". Over time that would be expanded to a social credit score system, where when your score drops too low your wallet cannot perform transactions.

Yes, it is absolutely possible, and imo very likely. Understand that now and start being vocal to make sure people don't get scared into accepting it when the time comes.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nodes control the bitcoin network. Nodes run bitcoin clients, the largest of which is bitcoin core, but there are like a dozen popular clients.

The protocol changes over time, and enhancements are regularly made. From small changes to significant changes like SegWit and TapRoot. The "communities" that develop the popular bitcoin clients debate and come to a consensus on changes that will be accepted and implemented in all bitcoin clients.

All that is needed to add the ability to ban accounts is to have a major false flag that scares people enough, a call for emergency measures to implement a blacklist in the bitcoin protocol, and the bitcoin clients to agree to implement that blacklist. They would likely do it in such a way that it would use approved government lists (e.g. from FBI, CIA, U.N., Interpol, etc.).

Once a majority of the nodes on the network upgrade their clients to the newest version containing the blacklists, then instantly blacklists will become a thing. To me, the likelihood of this seems incredibly high. There are already plenty of rumors that Blackrock and Coinbase may join forces to push a fork that would move from proof of work to proof of stake, for example, so certainly a 9/11 style event could easily force something like blacklists.

The only recourse is to hard fork, and those opposed would need to maintain the bitcoin clients that do not accept the blacklists. In general, over time, only one fork will win, and that would probably be the one that is legally mandated in the emergency act of congress that would happen after the false flag.

Remember BCH? How are they doing now?

Similar things have already happened on Ethereum with Circle and USDC freezing TornadoCash accounts.

Not trying to doom and gloom, rather, pointing out that if you want crypto out of government control then you need to get involved, run nodes, build new blockchains or participate in alternatives, spread knowledge, and/or loudly advocate now before the false flags happen.

The idea that the ruling class would just allow themselves to be superseded, and not fight to the death to control any alternatives, is..well, that's not going to happen.

Start preparing and advocating and getting involved now.

Donkeybutt75 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow, you really are an ADL J-op. I admit, you had me fooled until today.

Donkeybutt75 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not a strawman, dumbfuck, re-read the posts where you explicitly say doing that is a viable path.

And what is it you're doing again? I mean besides demoralizing all day every day with your defeatist shit.

I'm not shilling for anything other than what I said at the start (maybe someday you'll learn to read). I said everyone should be actively working on whatever it is they think is the best incremental path to getting us where they think we should be. If you think direct kinetic conflict is the best path right now, while I completely disagree with that assessment, I still think you should be actively pursuing whatever you think is the best path.

inb4 another retarded reply from your mom's basement.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not the one screaming into the void, friend.

You go organize your friends and wage war against the military. Let me know how it goes. I'll keep doing things that are actually viable.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, "literally not even reading" a sentence? You didn't read my prior post either.

Your own point on the previous post proves you wrong ("Every war in the last 60 years..."), but you're too fucking stupid to even realize that.

Those wars all played out exactly as I stated. Those were all against enemies that were both organized and had existing systems already in place outside of the western system.

You have neither of those and still somehow think you are going to directly take on the military, or even indirectly. You are a moron if you believe that even a little bit. You need to have parallel structures and decentralized networks already in place.

If you ever thought things through (and got off your lazy ass and did the actual work), you would have value. But you don't. You waste your potential so you can cry and play the victim.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, ok. Keep sitting at your computer doing nothing but crying then.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then you’ve already lost and white genocide is complete. You’re psychotic. There are exactly zero other options.

Are you doing anything (rhetorical)? Usually the people pushing for violence against the most technologically advanced military the world has ever known don't actually do anything more than talk.

Maybe I should clarify what I meant by violence, though. The direct kinetic war against the federal government advocated for regularly by fedposters cannot possibly ever be successful. And any kind of organizing effort would be infiltrated, every time.

Yes, asymmetric warfare would likely generally need to happen at some point, but you can't do that before you are able to live independent of the system. And you need numbers. So, yes, decentralization that is difficult to infiltrate and creates an alternate pathway for others wanting to exit is the most viable first step.

Even the types of things you've mentioned before require an alternate system already be in the works, or you just create chaos for them to come in and make order out of.

Secret societies may be another viable option, but that means you must do the same things the bad guys do to ensure loyalty, etc. It's not for most people.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our knowledge confers us with a duty to act. We refuse to. But the situation we’ve been handed wasn’t our fault; it was the fault of our ancestors–who didn’t act. Do we blame them? The living or just the dead?

If we know and refuse, then we are doing exactly the same thing our predecessors did, so we can't blame (especially considering they probably were less aware of it than we are).

My feeling is everyone should be doing that which they think will actually move towards the thing you want. Whatever that is that in your mind is the best incremental path there, always be moving along that path.

I personally don't think violence is tenable path, I've said a hundred times here but my path is work towards decentralization (become able to sustain outside of the system, help others to do so as well, build networks of such people locally, build regional networks/alliances for safety and trade). I consistently make progress on making that a reality in the ways that I can.

Everyone should be doing the same. Even talking about and raising awareness of this stuff makes progress. Waking up one ignorant bastard at a time does make it harder to advance these agendas. Wherever it is you want to get to, determine the incremental path that you believe best gets you there, and constantly move along that path.

Tentative agreement with the statement, provided we concur not to pin down the definition of the word ‘capitalism’ until there’s agreement upon it.

Be careful with the anti-capitalism stuff. Monopoly is the problem, not free markets. There is no perfect system, and human nature guarantees that the trend will always be towards centralization of power. Socialism, communism, et al, just skip the work and give all power to a central authority. Decentralization (including anti-trust) is what yields individual liberty and a middle class, and meritocracy is the best driver of quality.

Make no mistake, though, no matter what, the trend will always move back towards centralizing power, which means people must always work against centralized power. Once they give up, or stop paying attention, they will lose everything they gained (as can clearly be seen by looking around today).

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anywhere power exists, it will eventually be exploited. That's how human nature works.

That's why morons who say the government should be the ones to crack down on corruption are especially stupid. The only way you can facilitate that is to give up more of your own power to the central authority, making them yet more powerful.

That guarantees that the central authority will become more corrupt, because evil will gravitate towards the power and take control.

Decentralization is the only way to resolve this, but it will always be temporary. The trend will always be towards centralization and consolidation of power, with occasional resets/decentralizations.

Put your energy towards helping to decentralize, not towards politicians and heroes. Decentralize communications, how you get and grow your food. Create local networks of people doing the same thing. Create regional networks between the local networks for trade and safe passage.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Python (especially focused on AI and data analysis) and Javascript/Typescript are where most of the activity and interesting jobs are right now. These are also fairly easy languages to become competent in (though JS obviously has some idiosyncrasies to learn).

Go is also extremely popular right now for the interesting work that requires better performance (blockchain, network services, etc.).

C# and Java (and more recently Kotlin replacing Java) are still extremely prominent in large companies.

Mobile is kind of all over the place. Java/Kotlin on Android and Swift on iOS are the native languages of each platform, but React Native (JS using a bridge to send messages to the native side), Flutter (Dart language, using Skia to render it own controls instead of native controls), Xamarin/Maui (C# wrapping native controls), and webview solutions like Capacitor are all somewhat common. Mobile is a little harder to break into.

Lower level languages like C, C++ and Rust are all very prevalent in domains like blockchain, anything that interacts with hardware, and a number of other domains.

SQL, R, Python (already mentioned) are very popular in data analytics. If you are working with data at all, even databases for your application, at least get familiar with SQL (Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server are the big 3 database engines).

Anything outside of those mentioned above are going to be more niche, and not likely to have jobs available or open source projects to work with.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Transer is just a more generic word in this case, that encompasses all possible methods of moving an asset from one place to another. It could be a sale, a gift, or just moving an asset with a remaining loan to another entity.

In this case with Taylor Swift, they are also probably using the generic word transfer to keep it more private as to exactly where the plane is ending up.

There are tax implications with moving assets in a fashion that is neither sale nor gift, but this is not necessarily uncommon, especially when forming the business entity in the first place. The owners generally transfer some of their personal assets to the business entity and receive some share of the business, often somewhat relative to the amount of assets they provided to the business (other assets such as talent, personal networks, etc. are not as tangible but still factor into the share each person gets).

Also, just a note, when selling the plane, there are not necessarily tax implications. If you have been amortizing your expense claims based on the expected lifetime of the asset, then you have only paid taxes on the depreciated value of the asset, and the sale amount is likely the remaining value on that asset, and therefore no profit and thus no taxes on that sale. Of course, if the asset has appreciated in value since you originally purchased it, for example real estate, then that is a different story.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's called a tax return because that is a somewhat common terminology in data collection. Information is requested by the government, and the "returns" are the delivery of that data by the various parties.

Taylor Swift does not personally own that plane. She is part of a business entity, and probably actually several different business entities, that manage the various aspects of "Taylor Swift", e.g. intellectual property rights and licensing, concerts/tours, appearances, licensing her public images for products, etc.

As a business, you do not have to pay taxes on business expenses. A plane is a business expense as it is used to transport people to and from business events (and also probably for personal use, but the primary purpose as far as reporting is concerned is for business use).

So, if the business makes $10 million per year, for example, and spends $2 million on transportation expenses, $3 million on salaries, $2 million on advertising, then there is $3 million left, and this is what can be taxed (so obviously, you want to make sure every possible business expense is reported, so the amount of taxes you must pay is minimized).

One note, generally things like planes, vehicles, computers, etc., are amortized over the expected lifetime of that item. Meaning, if a plane is expected to last 10 years, then 1/10th of the cost of the plane will be reported as a business expense each year for 10 years, even if they paid for it all at once up front. This also allows for selling these items early without then needing to pay a tax on the profits of the sale, because you are generally selling it for the remainder of the value that you have not yet claimed as expenses, and thus break even on that item.

As to "transferred ownership", the business entity transferred ownership of the plane to another business entity. It may be another business entity associated with Taylor Swift, possibly a business entity that will then use a service to "rent out" that plane to other people, and thus produce revenues using that plane.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, gotcha. The "hiring" was in reference to the post you responded to a couple up about job postings (anything with a job posting is going to be H1B, which you probably know).

I agree on the big body shops (InfoSys, GGK, et al), those are largely L1, but you don't really see that kind of wholesale replacement of local IT staff with Indians anymore. Still plenty of onsite staff-aug in like DC area, but things have really shifted remote since covid, and even before that the trend in foreign staff-aug was to just outsource to WiPro, etc., with foreign resources still living in their home countries (I was seeing a lot of Kenya).

Where I'm at now they've started using Central and South America with the workers never leaving their countries (easier than India and Africa because same time zones).

Anyways, point is, it doesn't really matter the visa program, or the outsourcing method, the abuse of them all will accelerate. At this point I don't believe there is a solution in the system, it is completely captured and being pillaged and plundered before collapse.

To me, the fight should be about what lies on the other side of the (multi-stage, largely orchestrated) collapse. Building out parallel economies, systems and networks now makes it so they can't as easily force everyone into their "solution". Best case, that means they must compromise on the bad stuff. Worst case is at least we have something in place to survive outside of their system until they start coming after us.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything alright, sweetie?

I'll say again, any public job listing will be filled by an H1B, as they need to prove they cannot find a citizen.

L1 already work at the company, and they do not have the same requirement to prove they cannot fill the role with a citizen, so they would not post and fill with an L1.

None of this matters, though, as you are missing the actual issue. As you stated, these companies are multinational, and along with the banks, cartels, secret societies, intelligence agencies, military industrial complex, they control the direction in which societies move. The move now is to a global system, with nations still existing but essentially no longer sovereign.

Pointing out that there are multiple visa programs, and chimping out any time someone says something you don't like, isn't accomplishing anything.

There are many programs, they are all abused. Everyone already knows this. It's neat that you just figured this out, but settle down and work on doing something useful.

Work on building parallel economies, local networks, regional networks to connect these local networks. Help yourself and others become less dependent on this system, because that is the only way to actually challenge what is coming. If enough people do that then they will need to reel it back to something more reasonable. And if not, then at least there is an alternative system in place for those of us that are not joining the matrix.

Or just keep spouting retarded shit all day, every day and chimping out.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +2 / -1

No, you are mistaken. Any white-collar foreigner hired from a job posting will be an H1B.

L1 must already have been working for the company for at least one year, but in a branch in another country. There are no postings for those jobs.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +2 / -1

No, not really. Most of what people actually see are, in fact, H1Bs. I have never encountered an L1 in my 25 years in tech. I've encountered probably thousands of H1Bs.

L1 must already have worked for the same company in another country for at least one year, and are essentially transferring to the U.S. This is what the massive consulting shops like InfoSys do, and to a much smaller degree Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and some accounting firms. Since these people have already worked for the company, they are not as often displacing people when they move here (though, yes, it does happen, and also happens indirectly by outsourcing to InfoSys and laying off your staff...but that's not really different from outsourcing to India but with the people onsite).

Both programs need to be restricted to a cap of something like 1,000 per year, instead of the hundreds of thousands that come in every year in the current programs combined.

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're conflating two different things:

  1. thinking there is no one else out there, and
  2. thinking that it's silly to think they would come here to look at a distance, for thousands of years, and not make actual contact because "we're not ready".

I get it, though, I believed in that stuff very deeply from early years to mid-30s.

If you actually do think critically about it, though, you realize how silly it is to believe that other humanoids from far away planets come here to do experiments for thousands of years, and that once we are "ready" they will bring us into their interstellar family.

I'm not trying to be mean, though. Sorry if it comes off that way. Like I said, I used to believe a lot of that stuff.

I'm still open to it being demons, or another species or advanced human race on this planet that lives underground, underwater, or antarctica, and that maybe they are either at the top of the power pyramid or work through those with power. Or even that it is humans from the future. Those are all more plausible to me.

The most plausible is still that it is military and intelligence running experiments and psyops, some of which are intended to eventually culminate in a fake alien invasion.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did 20+ years ago. It was triangular with a red light in the middle, looked basically like a lot of TR-3B renderings. It was hovering at about 200 feet, near a rural highway. I pulled over to look and it started moving back over the farm fields. I followed it for about 2 miles until the road ended in that direction and I couldn't follow it any more. It never moved fast, and even though I believed in alien UFOs at the time I didn't feel strongly that's what it was.

My dad also saw one on the interstate highway about 10 years before that (early 90s). He was driving home from 2nd shift job and said there were at least a dozen other cars pulled over looking at it. He said it had multi-colored lights and it hovered over the highway for several minutes while the people all watched it.

He woke me up to tell me about it, all excited, when he got home. Then maybe mentioned it in passing a couple other times, and then brought it up again when I told him about what I saw. Never really talked about it other than those times.

Back then I really believed in alien UFOs. Now I think they are mostly covers for experimentation, covers for experimental aircraft, and psyops to condition the population for future false flag of some kind.

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