posted ago by freedomlogic ago by freedomlogic +12 / -1

I suppose this isnt a conspiracy per say, other than to swindle rich idiots. But we really do live in clown world.

Came across this article.


So we have a american site convincing american retirees to retire in canada. What I dont understand, is how they can straight up LIE.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

As the capital of Nova Scotia, this coastal city is known for its friendly community and high standard of living. You’ll find access to world-class health care here, including top-rated hospitals and clinics. There is also a vibrant cultural scene, with plenty of festivals, museums and galleries to explore year-round.

Halifax seniors can keep active in the area’s many parks and take advantage of the local coastline for biking or water-related activities. Its popularity among retirees means a thriving social setting for seniors looking for ways to connect with other retirees.

Welcome to the boomer capital of atlantic canada!!!

World class healthcare, what a joke. These are the idiots that told me over and over freon cant cause irregular heartbeat, it would be laughable if it werent so fucking serious. (yes yes, I know some of you are laughing, hows it feel to sell your soul to the devil?)

Read this article five minutes later....


"world class healthcare"

“It’s not just a local issue, where we’re routinely now seeing patients who are diagnosed with cancer in the emergency department,” she said. “My colleagues across Canada are seeing this as well.” The proportion of patients facing a cancer diagnosis in an emergency department appears to have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Grewal, who has received funding to investigate this issue in Ontario.

She said the family medicine crisis that’s left one in five Canadians without regular access to primary care, is likely one of the reasons for the concerning trend. In Ontario, an estimated 2.3 million people don’t have a family doctor, a number that’s projected to grow to 4.4 million by 2026, according to the Ontario College of Family Physicians.

This has been a very long time in the making. Article from five years ago.


Of the approximately 1,000 lung cancer cases, a third were diagnosed in the emergency room. Of those patients, three-quarters died within one year.

"I worry a little bit that these results will be scary for Nova Scotians," said Manos, who is hoping that the awareness will drive people to have their symptoms checked sooner.

Family doctors? I can barely access any walkins because they keep closing!


Dr. Mohamed Alzrighe said the four doctors who worked at the clinic felt undervalued and underpaid for the service they were providing.

"Our staff was stretched to the max," Alzrighe said Wednesday. "When it comes to patient care and safety, there is no compromise there for us, so we decided we could not really keep going and provide the same standard of care."

He said the clinic, which opened in 2009 and operated from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., was seeing more and more patients with complex health issues.

Yeah, maybe the boomers get the healthcare they need. But ive been suffering from the phosphorous bullshit ever since I was poisoned with freon. No one will do shit.

Fucking funny as hell.