brahbruh 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ah, good deal lol. Yeah, my little brother's kids had their last school day yesterday. Summer is upon us.

by Harambe
brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck our fake administration, but... I am 100% for taxing the shit out of anything that comes from a communist country.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bonus fact: they ran the exact same swine flu program in the summer of 1967. In 67 they got something like $250 million, and in 2009 they got something like $1.5 billion. Both cases were a complete scam, with no real health crisis

brahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just realized you answered your own question. I did not know this feature existed on bit chute, so thanks for sharing.

brahbruh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I came here to say "fans powered by burning coal", and then I read your comment and actually started physically laughing out loud! You win.

brahbruh 8 points ago +8 / -0

This has been posted many times, but it's so good. It's a video that you cannot watch fully and still think we went to the moon, unless you're either retarded or completely dishonest with yourself (both?).

brahbruh 7 points ago +7 / -0

This means there was a coupe situation brewing.

brahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear you; there's a lot of baseless claims in every direction. However, even my mother-in-law, who healthy enough to go on a 4 mile hike with us just a couple years before, had a stroke 2 days after taking Moderna and she's gone now; she started having nonstop heart problems shortly after the stroke and she died last year. My childhood friend here in town, we just saw his parents a few weeks back. I asked them if they took the shot, they did (didn't ask which brand, because it would have been awkward after how I segued into it). They both have been having nonstop health issues since then.

I think they're fucking up everyone, vaxxed and non-vaxxed, between the poisons they want to inject us, 5G radiation, fluoride and other metals in our water, and war... but I do think it's worth looking into mitigating steps to remove any chance of future effects. Somebody posted a PDF here about chemicals / vitamins that help with detoxing metals / other vax stuff that might cause harm.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

You forgot the part where all the Palestinians are shipped to the US and given free houses, food, and AK 47s.

brahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not a defeatist, and I think there is a fight coming that is our people's fight. But it's not this; we lost this culture war to the Fabian marxists. We can't pretend we didn't. We lose more every day. Our victories on that front are measured in "Look, guys! Bud light lost 12% their business to the other Blackrock beer, Coors!!!"

We have to be realistic and accept that, while it is still good to push back. e.g., I take lots of cash out every month and use that at local businesses, spending only credit on anything corporate (gas, phone, etc.) and I don't spend a dime more on the asshole corps than I need to). I don't support the scum. I quit a high level job in billion dollar company because the CEO refused to publicly state that he wouldn't require the covid "vaccine" (back when that was a question), I don't have a TV subscription (haven't ever. Ever in my life), I don't subscribe to netflix or disney or any of that trash, I donate thousands to Gun Owners of America, I prep for us and for our friends and family. I don't watch monkey sports. I've been in the right fight my entire adult life. Playing politics about a bunch of spineless faggot cops doesn't fight anything. That's just childish internet nonsense. Living by principles and putting your money where your mouth is, that's how you fight.

None of this is a slight against you; I'm not suggesting you don't also fight the good fight. I'm just saying that when 100% of big cities enact the exact same communism all over the world, at the exact same time, that's not the right fight.

Not my downvote btw - I only downvote spam.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh snap, good point - China stopped burying people just in time for this shit.

brahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't have any idea, TBH - I say "between" because there are definitely going to be a lot of people dying specifically because of the shots, but I don't think it's gonna be 4 billion.

I know of many people who died since taking the shot, and I don't know a lot of people. It'd be easy to dismiss if I was some kind of socialite with 300 friends. I knew 3 people who died in the past 15 years before covid "vaccine", and 1 of them was 94. Starting in 2021, I personally knew 3 that died and know of 5 or so others (people my brother knew and a couple my wife knew), and many others with strokes and heart issues. A guy I worked with until 2022, I just found out the other week he had triple bypass surgery this past winter. I know he took the shot, because I asked him. I find a way to ask nearly everyone I meet. I've only known a few people who say they've taken it and had no serious issues, and they're mostly ones who took the J&J shot... one of the only shots they pulled.

Think about that last bit; they pulled J&J for "safety", but I've mostly met people who had no problems after it, and almost everyone who took the others has/had issues/is dead. I know a family who all took J&J and they're all ok still. That tells me they wanted more death. I've seen far too great of numbers to dismiss as anecdotal.

Did you take one? If so, which, and did you have any issues?

brahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're getting salty because a real man, who's worked for his entire life, doesn't want to lose everything to a bunch of worthless monkeys with no principles or anything redeemable in their worthless dogshit existence...

Fix your emotions or they'll haunt you forever.

brahbruh 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the truth might be somewhere in between; it's quite possible that death numbers are being hidden, which could account for some discrepancy, and the remaining discrepancy could be accounted for by the "not for another 3 to 5 years" part.

However, like you, I also think it's not likely that this will come to fruition.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all wish, but the reality is that only the apes burn shit; that's how they've conquered us, by using our civility against us, and leveraging the lower IQ cohorts that exist near us.

Sadly, u/NumbaZero is right - it's over. The good guys' victory will be pyrrhic and too late; a violent retaliation for the destruction of our society, which will result in a total collapse of what remains of a western power center.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly, Hanlon's Razor applies.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, thanks for posting. I wish this was a nut we could crack, because there is going to be some kind of massive windfall for whoever knows the next big move(s), even if that just means knowing exactly when to get out of USD and what to get into (aside from gold).

brahbruh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone know when this interview / video is from? I saw this in early Covid days, and I assumed it was newish, but it actually looks older, like 10 years old.

Thanks, BTW, for the PDF archive link.

brahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a great idea. I'm not a proponent of crypto, but I do have some, and Monero is one of the three I have.

brahbruh 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trump continuously pushing this poison has been a huge blackpill for me, because of one of the potential implications. Obviously there is the "he is just a bullshit artist and doing their bidding for them" version, which is a little bit less of a blackpill (just the usual bullshit politics and fake medicine regime). But, then there is this other potential version of reality, where they are using the "vaccine" to protect all the obedient lemmings (on either side) from something that is yet to come; the thing I've been afraid of all along. The fact that nearly every country rolled out some version of the "vaccine" supports this potential reality. The fact that the only countries that didn't roll out some "vaccine" happened to be the lowest IQ places on earth also supports this potential reality (low IQ people are already easy enough to control so you don't need to get rid of the dissidents).

brahbruh 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hear you (editing now to reflect that any gold is better than none) - btw, they also have 1/2, 1/4, and 1/10oz Eagles at Apmex.

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