SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zongo8 1 points23 hours ago
I'm Slovak and my grandparents weren't considered white but I am. "White" is a societal catergorical, it doesn't actually exist. You're a fucking racist loser.

Go back to israel, faggot.

SystemGay 6 points ago +6 / -0

If I remember correctly, they unbanned numerous users but only to re-ban most of them.

Just like on NoNewNormal, when I was banned for violating zero board rules (there were no board rules at the time; one of the admins made himself a mod of the board for the sole purpose of banning me, and then they invented new rules afterward).

LOL, I remember this part and even proved that you were right, with my archive.

What I can’t abide is arbitrary moderation.

Agreed. Rules should be enforced uniformly.

SystemGay 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember you got banned on (((TDW))). What was the ban reason? With the way that community has been banning and censoring the users, they will never ever open up their mod log.

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Make sure it is watertight!! Drowning in the vacuum of space is a terrible way to go.

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