SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wikipedia is ultra-easy to research for history. The date and footnote were removed by "UpstateCops" on 2023-07-03 with the summary "tidying and various updates". User identifies as a New York criminal justice student. Of course anyone can reinsert the omitted clause at any time, as when there's no edit-warring going on it's just the word of the last person to have touched the paragraph. If reinsertion is fought, that might be more evidence of nefariousness.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

u/CuomoisaMassMurderer is well-known for declining taunts.

I'm well-known for taking many up. I hereby condemn "Zionism" defined as treatment of an undefinable group of people (under names like "the Jews") as a nation.

There are other definitions and I'm sure I would not condemn every definition. Your past inability to define has prevented your taunts from having any effect in any logical reader's mind.

Your inability to present logical support for your long strings of claim words weakens your case to the point of risking yourself being perceived as a shill. Instead you could say something logical in a moment's thought, like: "Many Jews hate Christ like Peter Schafer and Rabbi Ulla." Oh look, you know how to produce evidence about Trump, but you don't know how to be similarly persuasive about any particular Jew as indicated by your past inability. Taking a college logic class would help.

Besides logic your inability to define terms is also on display.

Incidentally, your ban expired before you wrote "unban me" below. You didn't test? Epic fail.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've spent more time debating over at the https://communities.win/c/Christianity forum which, sadly, is infested with jew suckup zionists.

Christians don't usually go to other forums to complain about other Christians, instead they follow Matt. 18:15-17. Have you considered that you haven't defined "zionist", you haven't been careful with your attribution of "jew", and you've been pretty free with "suckup" too?

The reason you're not banned is that you're mostly not slamming a people-group for birth or cultural reasons. When you do, or when you attack individual contributors unnecessarily, you've been getting deleted. If you'd like a ban, just break those rules obliviously.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the premier red-heifer researchers is Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, who I can attest from experience has been tracking heifers over 7 years. And he is ticked! He insists, with receipts (CBS), that everyone who is promoting the soon-coming narrative is making it up: exactly as I've been saying.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the premier red-heifer researchers is Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, who I can attest from experience has been tracking heifers over 7 years. And he is ticked! He insists, with receipts (CBS), that everyone who is promoting the soon-coming narrative is making it up: exactly as I've been saying.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the premier red-heifer researchers is Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, who I can attest from experience has been tracking heifers over 7 years. And he is ticked! He insists, with receipts (CBS), that everyone who is promoting the soon-coming narrative is making it up: exactly as I've been saying.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was not calling for your judgment; but consider a few details. Temple Institute and Boneh Israel didn't comment for the last six months, and I don't see that changed. Now I appreciate that one of your links has an Ariel interview that lays out much the same requirements as I did, but it's no news as to intent, just like I said; and it's personal and not for the Institute.

The Temple Institute also links a Youtube that is not theirs but comes from the Mikdash Educational Center. Them having a 3/27 conference is also guesswork. The Ariel interview at least lays out the halakhic criteria and the problems. Ariel notes that we have not yet built the pathway for the pure priest to travel to the altar purely, so that may put a serious damper on the sacrifice for awhile.

Of course the cows are inspected regularly, including even when in Texas. They have deliberately obscured the date when the final inspection will happen or has happened. It's probable they won't settle for a final inspection until near the moment of execution anyway, because inspections have an expiration date. As noted, the final inspection cannot take place until the third year, but we are presumably in the third year.

It doesn't matter whether Muslims are around. They are sacrificing in view of al-Aqsa Mosque and if a hundred Muslims stormed the altar with the mere intent of leaning on the calf once before it is slaughtered, the Jews would rule the calf impure on that account. They are taking no chances with this. The security question is deliberately unanswered publicly, just like the pure pathway question, the correct location question, the Texas origin question and so on.

The only way for them to do it is to announce all the halakhah being satisfied to the agreement of a vast number of rabbis all at the same time and to proceed to the sacrifice and complete it without incident. I don't see that happening soon without ground changes. Now I grant I don't watch Israel365 every day to see who gets interviewed, nor do I follow all the associated groups like HaMikdash; but my argument is pretty well the same for your data. Your keeping tabs on the real sources is very important and useful, and my encouragement is to ensure that the many many hangers-on don't get counted as real sources.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree on the 3rd but have resurrection on Sunday 5 Apr 33 AD, Julian. I hope you didn't mean Monday resurrection. Many details.

Byzantium lasted many centuries longer than most other empires, simply due to its sound-money laws prohibiting usury and coin-clipping, u/SmithW1984.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a time traveler, aside from Tipler cylinders not being that tech-viable, I fully affirm this as an excellent overview of the state of the art prior to the 2025-27 revolution.

There is one technology that is not currently counted as time travel even though it has the same five characteristics as Alcubierre. It's called "Sleep" and is very effective for future time travel in the 1-12-hour range.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

There has been no red heifer news for 6 months, everything published is guesswork right now. One or more heifers will be slaughtered on the prepared altar at a date and time of the owners' choosing. My guess is that this must at least involve (1) formal rabbinical clearance of the Texas origin and the Gentile ownership, which I haven't seen yet; (2) formal rabbinical clearance of one heifer being two years one day old and being faultless in color and history; (3) sufficient security to perform the act, which requires protection against flash-mob risks that might spoil the purity, which seems to require a ceasefire and a formal IDF completion of objectives. So I say, not this month. See my history for more, or ask.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

And make sure you've got the right Yeshua, accept no substitutes. If the person is not the one who came in the flesh and rose from the dead in the flesh, he's not somebody to trust.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

There has been no red heifer news for 6 months, everything published is guesswork right now. One or more heifers will be slaughtered on the prepared altar at a date and time of the owners' choosing. My guess is that this must at least involve (1) formal rabbinical clearance of the Texas origin and the Gentile ownership, which I haven't seen yet; (2) formal rabbinical clearance of one heifer being two years one day old and being faultless in color and history; (3) sufficient security to perform the act, which requires protection against flash-mob risks that might spoil the purity, which seems to require a ceasefire and a formal IDF completion of objectives. So I say, not this month. See my history for more, or ask. (u/Thisisnotanexit)

SwampRangers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Христос Воскресе!

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Terri Schiavo and John Paul II.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nice start, I'll provide color. Semiramis lived much later than Nimrod and was templated onto the extant lore; probably true of some of the other names too. The oldest name is Hawah (stolen from the real Eve), shortly templated onto Inanna (her grotesque caricature), who then picked up the other familiar Ishtar threads. Tammuz comes from Dumuzid of the Sumerian King List. The names in the attachment come from a wide and varied field and many do not syncretize them so it's best to stick to the clearest threads.

"The legend describes her descent from heaven within a giant egg, landing in the Euphrates River during sunrise on the first Sunday following the vernal equinox." That's not at all ancient, way too specific, but is a conflation of several later strands, including AD.

"The following Easter, the priests would sacrifice these now three-month-old babies and dye the eggs of Easter in their blood." Same imaginativeness. We do no credit to the enemy to admit him such farsightedness, Easter eggs are very ad hoc and do not have this hyperspecific root. Plus the legend of the dying husband reincarnated as the baby was usually not conflated with the legend of the baby sacrificed for the sins of others, as the latter defeats the purpose of the former.

There's one mention of Easter in KJV but it translates Pascha, the Passover season, which is mandated in Leviticus 23 with different rules (including having the Jews worship on what is now Resurrection Sunday, there called Firstfruits: Jews on Sunday, a real shocker). However, there are plenty of mentions of Ashtarte/Ashtoreth and Asherah/Asherim in the Hebrew, and they should be consulted for this narrative.

I've found ways to accommodate the followers of Jesus who also like "Easter", and the ways of peace are very beneficial here. However, for each person who is convicted against celebration of Easter, and who finds other ways to celebrate an annual Resurrection Day as God indicates, I uphold entirely the right of conscience as long as the facts are stuck to. There are some good bits in the above.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

There has been no red heifer news for 6 months, everything published is guesswork right now. One or more heifers will be slaughtered on the prepared altar at a date and time of the owners' choosing. My guess is that this must at least involve (1) formal rabbinical clearance of the Texas origin and the Gentile ownership, which I haven't seen yet (u/Merely_a_conduit); (2) formal rabbinical clearance of one heifer being two years one day old and being faultless in color and history; (3) sufficient security to perform the act, which requires protection against flash-mob risks that might spoil the purity, which seems to require a ceasefire and a formal IDF completion of objectives. So I say, not this month. See my history for more, or ask.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Enh, keep working, it reads better than last time. Look up the word "tenet" someday.

The missing part is that obeying Jesus can only be done by accepting him as Lord and Savior and ceasing to labor for ourselves. Nobody can obey Jesus in himself, too corrupt. By giving ourselves fully to him we become his channels for expression and we become new selves that he operates, obeying him within himself. Thus the evangelical language, he is risen, a 3D and 4D reality that also transcends all dimensions.

SwampRangers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds legit. I intended to write a quick Eckart bio but this intro is as far as I got. What sources are you using?

SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, if AE911Truth has unintentionally permitted an unscientific truther culture to propagate around their insistence on objective data, an idea that I don't think is proven by cherry-picking from a single protest, then more's the loss. If this isn't settled by an earthly tribunal it'll be by a heavenly.

SwampRangers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guess I'll need to chime in here too. See my unintentional mention of Einstein without realizing he'd been brought up above.

Since we're running on gut feeling, I'll suggest that Walther Mayer was not originally a "handler", as he was positioned by Richard von Mises, brother of Ludwig. After that the Macy trust took interest and funneled money to Mayer, so it's possible he may have graduated to the role of "handler". And at the same time, Einstein's study turned, from Mises's requested topic of teleparallelism, to refinement of general relativity. We are told that teleparallelism failed to have a Schwarzschild solution (don't confuse black and red there!) but that it was later determined to work with gravity but not electromagnetism.

Well, due to the thesis I laid out in the first link above, electromagnetism has been sidelined by Bohr's quantum revolution, and that's what makes it currently appear irreconcilable with gravity. Thus the conspiracy theory would be that teleparallelism does actually contain the seeds of understanding action-at-a-distance (often called FTL) and that Einstein was gradually pulled away from it so as to hide the "forbidden knowledge", which was then redirected to other scientists so that it could be published in warped fashion to make it appear consistent with nascent quantum theory.

If I were writing for a mainstream science pub, it would be easy to spin this into a series of sci-fi articles that pass editorial muster and sound like vague promises of power; but the reality is that all power flows from God and is free, without any arcana necessary. So regard my pontification as bluster. Teleparallelism relies upon tetrad (4D) field definition that relates distant observed effects. The path forward would then be to regard curvature and torsion as "the same thing" (two effects of the same phenomenon) and to consider what spacetime models (and standard-model alternatives) would explain action at a distance, which would then be electromagnetic teleparallelism. This is necessary because quantum theory still doesn't describe accurately how entangled particles appear to have FTL connection, which was exactly the point of the 1935 EPR paradox, which is exactly what Einstein was shuttled into studying in the period of interest. And we know the demons are excessively interested in how light modification upon the stars they control might affect our planet at a distance, so the topic is more than academic but relates to spiritual warfare.

Overall, the work of persuading Einstein that teleparallelism was fruitless and redirecting his objections to Bohr into the more palatable EPR challenge might be perceived as the influence of the Macy Foundation, but other factors were also present, and it seems to me that the Macy Foundation picked up slack after a prior attempt to influence Einstein via his friend Emil Warburg (who was indeed of the Warburg banking family as per the first link).

SwampRangers 1 point ago +1 / -0

The argument you're attributing to the video is a strawman. Truthers do not say "never being touched", they say never being struck by a plane. Before the NIST report was released, AE911Truth was already commenting that the debris and fires on floors 7-17 were insufficient to take down the building, as it was the obvious conclusion. They had already measured the rate of freefall, then successfully objected to the NIST characterization as not being freefall, then proclaimed victory when the NIST recalibrated and admitted freefall rates for 2.3 seconds. There is no "giant chunk of the building" "ripped away by falling debris". So if you listened to a truther who was mistaken, you were not listening to the argument put forward by thousands of architects and engineers. In other fora we call that shilling.

I'm also not saying the uniqueness of 1-2 is that they were hit by planes either. AFAIK every other skyscraper hit by a plane has survived, while every other skyscraper consumed by catastrophic fire has either survived or had its upper structure fall sideways in one piece. Thus the fact that three related skyscrapers collapsed within hours consistently with controlled demolition (in circumstances where controlled demolition could be highly lucrative) means that grasping at other scenarios, and taking 7 years to "model" and publish them, strains credulity.

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