SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can't take a passive fat bag of shit and make a soldier, there's gotta be fight in them somewhere or training won't matter.

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't eat donuts with a fork like heathens and the gym equipment obviously made them feel insecure about eating only donuts. Feelings over logic

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The corporate wars aren't that far off, if you have outstanding debt I reckon you'll be pressed into service. FYI Taco bell army wins the whole thing 🤣

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Debt is a boot on the neck that has influenced the course of many people's lives.

SomniaVelociusQuam 3 points ago +3 / -0

I personally treated and nine lined an e7 that shot himself to escape Iraq. I doubt the illusions of any American on the ground in Iraq survived a day before the horrific reality of the situation built to a deafening roar like the scariest techno drop you've ever heard.

SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Living I presume? Chris Hedges, Danny Sjursen, Jimmy Dore, Candace Owens, Dave Chappelle, Glenn Greenwald, Roseanne Barr, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Katt Williams, Ice Cube, Charleston White, Dim Tillon

SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel sympathy for people who believe the goal of their life is collecting things What a shallow existence, like looking at the surface of the ocean and thinking its entirely barren.

SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think if they had a viable puppet he wouldn't have just been allowed to debate Trump. It's a lose lose for the democratic party, if he's coherent and articulate in the debate he can't hide behind his age as an excuse for the state of the nation. If he's slurring like a meth'd up octogenarian who would trust any candidate the democrats nominate? The reason this debate is happening is because his handlers can't walk back what he said That old murderous çunt will show the American people just how fucked up the people calling the shots are

SomniaVelociusQuam 3 points ago +3 / -0

We haven't seen Nazi propaganda in The Hague since. The Nazis also spoke in the name of "morality" even then there was nothing there but good old antisemitism as we have experienced in all generations. Haters of Israel come and go, Israel's eternity will not lie.

These arrest warrants will be the last nail in the dismantling of this political and anti-Semitic court. The friends of Israel and the truly enlightened countries will not be able to allow its continued existence and functioning. The same is true of the Palestinian Authority, which is behind the proceedings at the court. The time has come to bring it to an end and to stop the damage it is causing to the State of Israel in the world.

I would like to strengthen the hands of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense. Their arrest warrants are the arrest warrants for all of us. Israel will continue to defend itself and eradicate its enemies and history will judge those who sided with the Nazis of Hamas and against the light and goodness of the State of Israel.

Israel Lives.

meanwhile in reality.. "For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces"

SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +2 / -0

They couldn't buy the mirrors to deflect the space lasers or a jammer for weaponized weather modification

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +3 / -2

That may be so to sheltered Americans but on a world stage it still has influence

SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +2 / -0

into their territory.

False dichotomy turbo

the UN has no say in the matter.

They do because Israel is voluntarily part of the UN. By joining the UN Israel gave them influence in Israeli affairs of state

SomniaVelociusQuam 2 points ago +3 / -1

Obama proved he holds grudges the DOJ is using lawfare on behalf of the CCP controlled democratic party against him It's a slam dunk I think in this context he's using the threat against bureaucrats to provoke a visible response Seek & Destroy

SomniaVelociusQuam 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Amid the international messages of condolence and support for Iran after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, the United Nations Security Council on Monday held a solemn moment of silence to observe his passing. Israel is outraged by the gesture, saying that it was tantamount to honoring a terrorist, or "Hitler" - as stated by Israeli Ambassador to UN Gilad Erdan."

"You read correctly, the UN Security Council today held a moment’s silence to remember a mass murderer, Iranian President Raisi," Erdan said in a video published to social media.

"This body, which makes no effort to free our hostages, tipped their heads today to a man who was responsible for the deaths of thousands in Iran, in Israel, and around the world."

Is that a guilty conscience?!

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Modern lobbying is blatant corruption

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