GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +3 / -1

Black women are more stuck in their masculine because they have fewer male leaders & role models thanks to the destruction of black society post civil rights era. Black society has always been the test bed for societal destabilization before rolling it out on the population at large (destabilizing the family unit through the crack epidemic was a precursor to the OxyContin crisis a few decades later, for example).

Often, women so stuck in their masculine energy are unsalvageable as wives without tremendous amounts of inner work on their own part (so, unsalvageable)- but it’s due to a lack of male leaders in their community.

You can have masculine energy without feminine energy, but you can’t have feminine energy without the masculine energy to protect it and allow it to thrive (masculine is the shell, feminine is the pearl). The lack of strong men are why women act like dudes.

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +3 / -1

Agreed. I concluded a long time ago that this realm isn’t meant to be won- but it matters how we endure the struggle (always hopeful I’m wrong, but it is what it is).

“Fighting” this force, for me anyway, has been an exercise in divorcing myself from reliance upon their system. If they want to shut down the food supply, my yard is a good forest. Want to take down the grid? Neat- my solar system is EMP resistant. All the preparations in the world can be taken away in an instant though.

As you said, if they want us dead- they’ll eventually kill us. The use of arms against them is the death row of a cornered fox- turning my front yard into an LEO orphan factory is just a consolation prize on my way out. It’s a lost battle long before it ever gets to that point.

All we want is to raise our families in peace.

GoldenRatioed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only if they don’t shoot the recruiter first. If they’re going to force us into war, we can fight it here.

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for responding man. Searched on Rumble and got 1 result— no surprise there’s a media blackout

GoldenRatioed 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it’s happened 5 times already and nothing has happened, is it not a glitch?

Or, if something has happened, can you point me to where I can read more? I’m not familiar with this topic but it sure seems fascinating.

GoldenRatioed 4 points ago +4 / -0

He had him on again? Piers Morgan is a masochist

GoldenRatioed 3 points ago +3 / -0

AIPAC is so evil that they got me to agree with Ana Kasparian. Dayum.

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

We’ll be back to your regularly-scheduled celebrity worship after this short break. Stay tuned!

GoldenRatioed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah. Had to search the name to confirm-- and wow his wikipedia summary is exactly the kind of hot nuclear lava one would expect for stepping out of line in his position.

GoldenRatioed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Always found it confusing that they gave him, of all people, a voice- if even briefly.

Given how zero his voice moved the needle, I can’t help but think publishing his dissent was a flex.

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +4 / -2

American Moon only looks at the photographic evidence

My mistake. You’re not posting here sincerely.

GoldenRatioed 3 points ago +5 / -2

I used to align with your perspective until I peaked into the rabbit hole and accidentally stumbled down.

Assuming you’re arguing in good faith (and I believe you are), do please give the first 30 minutes or so of this documentary a chance.


GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same with the medical literature. The modern Polio mortality graph over time is VERY different from out of print medical literature of 40+ years ago

Edit: typed “measels” meant “polio”

GoldenRatioed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you check the weather, or just go outside hoping you don’t get rained on?

GoldenRatioed 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Until total catastrophic worldwide grid failure takes place, geomagnetic storms aren’t anything to pay attention to so no one should bother mentioning them”

You sound literally brain damaged.

GoldenRatioed 4 points ago +5 / -1

I welcome the winds of war, and will be dying on my feet. Those of us who have been preparing for this for years will be better off without the dead weight.

GoldenRatioed 10 points ago +10 / -0

Can society normalize jacked dudes beating elderly pedophiles to death where they sit? Just thinking of ways to improve an already fantastic video

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s almost as if the account posting the video didn’t make the video, or something. What an extreme rarity for the internet.

GoldenRatioed 5 points ago +5 / -0

That was a pivotal moment in my awakening to the reality of just how hopelessly fucked humanity really is

GoldenRatioed 2 points ago +3 / -1

Going to have to politely push back on this assessment.

You're right that Tesla gets far more credit than he deserves (the internet seems to think he invented literally everything prior to the iPhone), but he's still a pioneer in a wide range of fields of electrical phenomenon-- calling him a douchey celebrity isn't exactly intellectually honest given how many useful patents his name is on.

You're also right that he didn't invent AC- he first witnessed an AC dynamo as a kid, which inspired and fascinated him to pursue electrical engineering. He's credited with inventing the squirrel cage motor, which enabled AC power generation on a mass scale. Though not the same thing, also hardly nothing.

He ripped off some of the world's wealthiest financiers to chase his passion projects, unlike Elon who takes tax dollars to sneakily usher in the chains for our technological panopticon while posting edgy tweets. Was Tesla a giant douche? Probably, honestly. But not even the same species of douche as Elon.

GoldenRatioed 9 points ago +10 / -1

And now the kid gets to be fed the nutritional equivalent of liquid Doritos...

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