Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trees don''t grow into the sky either.

Be smart and buy (borrow) money when it is cheap and/or inflation is high. Sell money when it is expensive and/or in deflation.

Corollary to the above, live well below your means and continually build or create something.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a ton of debt on appreciating assets and income producing property, leverage is truly the way to get ahead in life.

When you get real good write derivatives.

Bayesian 5 points ago +6 / -1

Nice proof that the earth is a sphere and orbits the sun.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cancer is a metabolic disease (the vast majority of cancers).

Keep your metabolism and immune system operating properly by avoiding carbohydrates and toxins, especially seed oils. Basically do the Carnivore diet for proper nutrition.

Obviously if you have cancer this advice may seem to be too little too late, but it isn''t. Eliminating Carbs will slow the growth of cancer and then treatments like fenbendazole, Ivermectin, Iodine, melatonin, etc. will help the bodies immune system eliminate the cancer.

We no longer need to fear cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto immune diseases anymore.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mormons are also Jewry. The Mormon temple ceremonies are basically Mason Temple ceremonies and Mormons when given their Patriarchal Blessing are adopted into either the tribe of Manasseh or Ephraim (descendants of Joseph). or other tribes depending on the revelation.

This is also why Mormons are so into genealogy, because the basis of Mormonism like Jewry is that they are God's chosen people because of the Birthright given to Abraham.

Bayesian 1 point ago +2 / -1

I understand. . . It is important to be precise about who are enemies actually are. The Ashkanzii Jews and Zionists are actually the Khazarian name stealers, not Jews at all.

Since we have already lost the optics game of racism and bigotry it is important not to play that game. Instead we need to focus on the actions of our opponents and attack the actions not the Race (because the Race is a lie).

Focusing on their actions exposes them clearly for all to see. That is a fight that we are winning. Always play to your strength and the enemies weakness. Holding them accountable is where we need to go.

Bayesian -2 points ago +1 / -3

Anti Semitism is bad, anti Khazarian is good. Learn the distinction.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The proper human diet of meat is important to longevity.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

All auto immune diseases are caused by damaging the immune system, age, viruses, seed oils, carbohydrates, etc.

The fix to reverse auto immune diseases is to quit damaging the immune system. Quit eating seed oils, carbohydrates, smoking, etc. Get a good nights sleep, breathe through your nose, exercise, have good sex.

It really is that simple.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

AJ didn't get a trial, it was a default judgement if I recall correctly. AJ didn't turn in some paper work on time or something like that.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I posted a video showing a link between a very poor diet of grains and vegetables and how the nutritional deficiencies causes anxiety and fear, which makes the person extremely susceptible to liberalism and being controlled.

A carnivore diet increases testosterone levels and health, which makes the people ungovernable. . . . and conservative. There seems to be a direct link between diet, health and political views.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually they want to isolate us individually, because that makes us weak. Together we are much stronger and more powerful.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump was lied to, just like the rest of us about Covid. Trumps actions, closing the borders, quarantining for 2 weeks, stopped the quick spread of the virulent strain saving millions of lives. He never mandated that anyone take the vax or wear a mask.

Trump also promoted Hydroxychloroquine, and other therapies that proved to be very effective. Based on the knowledge that Trump and the General population had at the time Trump did great.

Bayesian -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. President Trump was dealing with a bioweapon created by Fauci's Minions and saved millions of lives by closing the borders.

Luckily, the bioweapon did not replicate well and soon burned itself out. Everyone in the Government and Media were working against Trump and the American people.

Now that we know the Truth about what happened it is easy to see that after closing the borders Trump should have executed all the NIH members, Military agents, Intelligence agents and pharmaceutical participants involved in the Vaccines and Bioweapon.

That is where you should be directing your ire, not at Trump. That you aren't correctly aiming your anger at them confirms that you are a shill for the evil minions running things.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

A nuclear reaction generates a lot of heat and radiation, but very little pressure directly. Unless a nuke is detonated under water, where its heat vaporizes the surrounding water, it is not an effective weapon.

Essentially the threat of using nukes is a gentleman's agreement to control the world.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I am trying to say is that if it gets to the point we are in a firefight, we are in serious trouble and it is probably the worst possible outcome. The point is to avoid kinetic warfare.

If the above fails then drones dropping bombs on our enemies would be my preferred method. To shoot at someone I have to expose myself and I think I would prefer to hide in a bunker and kill my opponents from there. It is now a battle proven technique.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are certainly correct to an extent, but what I am saying is that if we are part of an organized community we will be prepared for whatever happens. Obviously this means leaving Blue cites now.

I'll give you an example from my own family, they are farmers in Idaho. I talked to my Grandfather often about what it was like during the Great Depression, the world wars, etc. The bottom line was that there was no disruption of their lives, except that they had two Japanese prisoners for labor, who stayed after the war was over. . .

I fully expect the next collapse to be similar. All the 'action' is going to take place in the Affected Blue Zones. Self sufficient Red Zone areas will likely prosper.

All it takes to prep for the collapse is to have a skill that is in demand, there is no need to stockpile gold, guns, or food (other than a week or so worth) just stay connected with the community.. Our power is in our connections, what we give and what we provide

The Blue communities may burn themselves out, so just avoid them. Be a valued member of your group or community and leave the Rambo stuff to the stupid people.

A final note. I favor a12 gauge pump shotgun with a foldable stock. If there is going to be any fighting it is likely to be in close, where an AR isn't as effective. Just my two cents.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Realistically a gun should be towards the bottom of the list when civilization falls. Anyone involved in a firefight has already lost, win or lose that particular battle. Just like a UFC fight, both combatants get hurt, it can't be avoided. It is better not to get involved in the fight.

The key is to create a community, an organized community can be extremely powerful. If the Community is large enough and powerful enough even the fall of civilization won't effect it.

Now is the perfect time to create a community and we can even do it on this forum, it doesn't have to be in a particular location. The world is in transition, cities are collapsing, people are separating and waking up. We can change the world right now.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is misdirection, exactly the same as in a magic act.

Bayesian 2 points ago +5 / -3

They are correct that the creation of Israel was a NAZI operation prior to WW2.. Real Jews refuse to return to Israel because they believe God dispersed them and they would be working against God by returning.

Zionists are Khazarians.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Technically the points are correct, it is the approach that is wrong.

The best approach is to avoid any interaction with law enforcement and be as uninteresting as possible, be a grey rock. Any interaction is fraught with peril.

Failing that, make the interaction not worth official involvement, like homeless drug addicts or illegals.

Separation should be the goal.

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