User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

I imagine it could be a few things.

  1. They aren't actual Christians, just posing as one to get elected.
  2. Taking the aipac gold.
  3. They are Christians and love Jewish people. They believe jews are just like them except they don't believe in the new testament. They also believe that the Jews have to rebuild the temple so the antichrist can come and sit in the throne so Jesus comes back. So basically they believe all this is prophecy, Jews are God's chosen people and thus all this must unfold and Israel can do no wrong. This helps explains how so many Zionist came to be https://www.bitchute.com/video/KklN5xAbyxDe/

I also personally believe that antisemitism is actually very low in America and intentionally being made to look worse than it is and an effort is being made to radicalize people against jews. Most people just have a problem with Zionism and the state of Israel. I think that Zionist have a vested interest in making all Jews feel hated so that they return to Israel fulfilling Jewish prophecy. In my opinion regular Jews and liberals are being manipulated to play part of the game. And Christians unfortunately are playing the role of supporting zionism. Liberals are the worst, they have a new cause every six months or so, that they cared nothing about before and won't six months or a year later. It's weird they are like robots.

At the end of the day while I believe in God, I think religious cults and globalist cults are actually running the world right now and it's insane.

And... Unfortunately if you look up the history of antisemitism laws they are typically put into place only under Communist governments..So that can give you a hint as to where they are trying to take America. These laws most likely aren't for what is happening now but what they want to do in the future. Unfortunately, communists are majority Jewish.

Or oh yeah they are being blackmailed

User25000 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's really long but jumped through some of it. Some of them are for sure are suspect in the video but some I don't believe. This guy just sees trannies everywhere.

User25000 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is believing one is transgender happening world wide outside of western societies?

User25000 4 points ago +4 / -0

I read a book from the 40's or 50's that was talking about hate speech laws and Communism and Jews. One comment that stood out was the author said (while warning about communism coming to the USA in the future) that at this time there were no laws banning antisemitic comments in the USA and that, that could only be found in communist countries. According to the author banning criticism of jews is only found in communist countries. Is this a sign for how far the west has progressed into communism? Better wake up Zionist Christians.

User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah but they are being exposed and super vulnerable. More people than ever are pulling kids from public schools. Tons of people are refusing routine vaccines for kids. Multiple states have passed bills saying gold and silver can be used to pay for goods. Hardly anyone supports Israel on the left or right. People aren't joining the US army. States are banning trans kid treatments. Many states have banned CRT from schools. It's not like everything is perfect but their is a clear divide happening. I think places like Cali, NY, Washington state, Oregon, Canada and the UK and others are headed towards communism but I don't see it happening in red states. People are too wide awake in these states and more are waking up daily. Does anyone like establishment politicians anymore? Even on the left they are against people like Biden and Hillary Clinton. I believe their reign of control is coming to an end. WEF people just look like idiots. The electric car is a disaster as is their windmills. Oh yeah their propaganda newspapers and TV are failing and going bankrupt. Tons of woke companies are on the verge off bankruptcy and laying of people. Disney is dying. Now is the perfect time for small businesses to grab the reigns and seize control.

User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope, that day isn't coming at least where I live. They will probably have to settle for just blue states and cities and provinces. Their dream of world wide communism is already dead.

User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I know is I used to lean left because I was against all those things. My friends who I thought were independent thinkers mostly did too, usually further left than I. I feel they changed but maybe I was a fool and they were just NPCs waiting for a new download. I do think the left was intentionally hijacked and targeted but it doesn't take responsibility away from the individuals. I am still convinced something happened online or something that could effect a large mass of people in 2017 to 2018 ish that reprogrammed people. That or I jumped to a parallel universe or some shit cause the world went crazy then.

User25000 2 points ago +2 / -0

Carbon tax is so stupid. Rich people and corporations will just pay it and small businesses will suffer and poor to middle class. Disappointing Elon. This is a wet dream for the rich. Only they would travel by air whenever, only they could drive cars whenever, only large businesses could exist and eventually only rich people could have more than one kid, then they'll come after home carbon "polluters". Everything they dream of no restrictions for them restrictions for everyone else. Not happening. Sorry. Elon either isn't as smart as one would think or one of them.

User25000 3 points ago +3 / -0


This is who the video says they got the stats from. He simply took their stats and proved that in highly vaccinated areas similar things were happening twenty years later regarding decline of new births in these areas / the higher the vaccination rate was the lower birth rates as well as lower abortion rates.

User25000 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh.. I thought you were replying to my other comment I made on another post for freewillofchoice So NM the death comment. I actually don't know the user that commented on this one.

User25000 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know... he's a little different. lol. He especially seems obsessed with everything pointing to death.

User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Basically he says that the higher the rates of child vaccines after twenty years that country has a smaller amount of population of children being born. Even though on paper the population rates of those countries appear to grow that is actually due to immigration. Further more he says that in places of highly vaccinated children (now adults) abortion rates are actually going down and the amount of abortion clinics are also going down and many clinics closing, meaning there is less need for them and since we know that it is not because women are less promiscuous he links it to there are simply less fertile women so they are getting less abortions. I believe one stat he mentioned was at one one point (I believe in the USA, you'd have to watch to be sure on the place) there were 25 clinics per some amount of people and now there are 15. So in twenty years that means if he is right there will be even less children being born. My own thoughts after watching could be why roe vs wade was overturned and perhaps they have been actually too quickly successful and are trying to hide the actual drastic population drop. It could also be, as he says why they are importing so many people in to hide this. And if their goal is to get rid of intelligent people and to only have workers AND the covid vaccine is especially potent in causing infertility perhaps that is why they did not require illegals to be vaccinated to enter. They do still need workers and it is no question they are especially attempting to wipe out the white middle class. Edit: of he also mentions Hungary in particular is extremely highly vaccinated with children and they have huge decline in children.

User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I suppose it's up to one to believe they are divided by individual characteristics or not. Humanity no doubt is a whole in some ways as in I do believe we are all connected. In order to function as a whole we all need different talents and interest. So is being an individual actually a division or just being part of the whole? I don't agree we should be divided in groups based on those interests either. As in you want to be punk rock so you only hang out with other punk rock kids. Or if you are gay you only hang out with gay people. These are false identities and not actually anything to do with who someone is at the core. The tribal group no matter what it is is one I think that divides people. In my mind an ideal humanity wouldn't need others to tell them their likes or needs but each person would know what they each like and who they are. If humanity truly each followed one's passions I believe we would function better. Most people are afraid to do what they love so they end up going to work in an office or some unfulfilling job. People do this out of fear of failure and desire for security so imo to find some self worth or identity they join some group that then reassures them that they have an identity and purpose even though the group is a superficial identity. The division I believe that is being forced on people is separation into these false identity groups, race, interest, activism, political beliefs and so on. So when I say individual I truly mean this. Why do people only need to hang out with others just like them? Isn't that boring? I have never understood the group mentality and always had peers of all sorts and found it much more interesting. You could use the actual human body as an example. If ears only grew with other ears and refused to grow with other parts of the body they would not be able to function and would die. Until humans start valuing ones own true identity I believe we will be out of balance.

User25000 1 point ago +2 / -1

Maybe they are also here to hide excess deaths in the USA?

User25000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah but it's a division by individual characteristics not division by groups which often as in the race of a person one has no control of.

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