Axias 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cancer up 16% since vax rollout

The one senator who introduced a bill to study the vax fallout was killed in a plane crash with his entire family shortly thereafter.

Coronohoax was a (((DS))) ploy to remove the native population. A modern holodomor with the vax acting as the fuel for it all.

THEY take over countries and dilute the population any way they can. Either mass immigration, sterilization, war or a combination. (Food shortages take longer to manufacture, but it's happening).

Birth rates are up in Israel, -only in Israel. Nowhere else.

This is all 4th gen warfare. And we are not winning.

Axias -1 points ago +2 / -3

I feel like you guys read this shit wrong.. Jews committing genocide: students protesting.

Yeah, that's it. The radical pro hamas people, yeah the one's whose tents all match.. thats the fake parts magnifying the minority parts.

None of this gets better without reclaiming our press.

Axias 2 points ago +2 / -0

fails legitimacy on a lot of levels.. but entertaining.

I'd believe a pyramid was found there, preserved.

But don't listen to my rational guessing..

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.”

I was just implying if you have resigned yourself to passivity, it will be to your own doom.

Plans are good though. You aren't wrong. But that takes action, eh?

At least get ready. Gym and range time. Hard times will require hard men.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol. Sure. If you call everyone who thinks we're gonna need more than words here a fed, You might be a giant pussy. Just sayin.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

so.. do nothing, just say stuff like "I dont like it"..

No action? Just words?

You think thats gonna work, when words AND action isn't?

You might be a giant pussy. Just sayin

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many reasons to do this: group infiltration, knowledge, etc.

Also, they can radicalize the REAL protest and use that energy to push drastic legislation. Every fucking jew run country pushes as hard as they can to make jew criticism illegal.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its Hunter Bidens laptop. Theres ZERO chance it isn't because exgif data matches his location in all the pics.


Axias 8 points ago +8 / -0

FYI: its the first part of the ritual to rebuild their church..

The ASHES from this sacrifice are 'required' to 'cleanse' the area before the church is built on it.

Of course, the Temple Mount is controlled by Muslims atm, and would have to be destroyed to rebuild the temple.

Axias 8 points ago +8 / -0

Real crimes don't have hundreds of WTF explanations.

They don't bulldoze the crime scene in real crimes.

Yes, it was a hoax, (false flag).

Axias 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel is incredibly vulnerable. Hostile powers should be able to destroy their key infrastructure quite quickly.

They have 4 desalination plants supplying water. Thats it. That how they get the majority of their water. Israel is fucked without them.

They import most of their power too. Another easy target.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

google broke the moment they decided it was more profitable to make you browse through 3 pages to find your search rather than post it immediately.

And then they started fucking with it even more. Bye.

Swisscows search engine ftw.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes stealing much more difficult.

Inadequate stock/ shortages ca be hidden

ugly/messy stock holding can be hidden. Always presents a clean image of product.

Axias 4 points ago +4 / -0

THIS HAPPENED to me for posting some fjb shit on talk. a few days after the election and basically telling everybody it was rigged online. 2 big black 'steroided' FBI agents came and started talking shit and we got into an argument on my front porch of what constitutes a gun while he tried to tell me any gun 'parts' I have needed to be registered to which I told him I was getting my phone to record his BS. I came back a minute later and they were leaving.. Apparently they didn't want to be on video.

Pure Harassment. And the wife was pissed at ME.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0


Axias 8 points ago +8 / -0

Zionists killed Kennedy.

Zionists tried to destroy the USS Liberty

Zionists dancing at 9/11

Zionists took over our government.



Axias 2 points ago +2 / -0

FYI: Mycelium burgers have been on the market for decades.

They actually taste good. We can easily digest mushrooms, with the added benefit of reducing our cancer rates (mechanism unknown). High in protein! Aids digestion! (we're symbiotic with fungi, since the beginning of humans on the planet, we've been ingesting fungi).

We can grow the mycelium on nearly anything to boot.

Scaling up out Mushroom based foods would be a giant boon for humanity. BUT THATS WHY IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

Monsanto literally bought most of the patents, production, and machinery so they could stunt the industry.

Not a GMO food.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

bidenreport.com we have the laptop. WE HAVE THE LAPTOP.

ALL these 'trials' are just a show. That laptop evidence would imprison any pleb for life.

How many years does it take to prosecute someone? Funny, Trump has been through about 10 trials since we've HAD the laptop.

Charges filed stemming from laptop: zero.

Its jew news we're quoting. and jew gov., 'its all 2 more weeks!', and its all shit.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like you can't answer, fed boi.

You are the saddest, most pathetic human on the planet.

(((Comes into conspiracy forum to debunk 9/11. Can't answer ONE question)))

What were the jews and your fed boi fuck buddies doing cyber?


Axias 2 points ago +2 / -0

Little know fact: Mayorkas use to be on the board of the largest immigration society in America. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid society. (((HIAS)))

(((They))) are VERY responsible for the mass migration to America, promising illegals a free home and money and maps and transportation into the US, often ignoring or bypassing all our immigration laws.

Axias 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope, not done. Still waiting for your explanation.

Debunk this: Mossad demo experts who were filming before the first plane hit, who then got escorted out of the country by another dirty jew FBI agent.


-The only people worse than these fuckers are the ones defending them. You should contemplate hell. You're playing with fire 'just doing my job' fed boi, you pathetic simp.

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