Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, the Globalists from Disney win one more time... and sooner or later it will be the final defeat of free society.

Remember what happens once they are done away with you.

You have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, you will roll over and die and you will be happy.

Mrexreturns 4 points ago +4 / -0

Never heard of Republicans trying to tear down Bibles and not especially because of "Pharisees".

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would monarchs, who's reign was dependent on the people genocide and starve them to death willingly? Yes, there were famines due to crop failures and poor planning. Genocide could only happen due to rebellion or due to failing to defend your people from outside threats. In those times you needed a lot of manpower to grow food and to wage wars. Hierarchy in society was a given and people knew their place. Sure there were unfit, cruel or weak monarchs but they weren't tolerated by their competitors and by the people. As a whole, people loved their rulers and there was no need for them to be brainwashed to do so if the ruler was good and just.

This is when you have an organic society. European "history" past the Roman Empire is on a straight and slippery slope to controlled mass-demoliton by insidious forces (most people like to call them the "Jews" but Gentiles such as the Chinese and the Cambodians can join) and it gets spread to just about everywhere else after the 19th century.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure what you mean by "caused the Medieval Dark Ages". You speak of it as if it was some kind of an event or a single regime, yet the Medieval period spanned 1000 years and it's impossible to be summarized like that (besides calling it "dark" and "the old world order" as opposed to "enlightened" and "novus ordo seclorum" in freemason/illuminati fashion which is exactly what the 18c. revolutionaries did and what people are born into presupposing the good guys won a few hundred years ago against the oppressive monarchy and Church bringing us the enlightened egalitarian, feminized and degenerate society we live in today, a society that can't even reproduce and that ironically while seemingly chaotic is more oppressed and top-down controlled than ever by tptb).

Ah, so you still don't get it.

They're just repeating the age of serfdom and rat plagues and only used other excuses to carry it out. You might think they have no religion, but they have a religion. It's literally the same type/group of people behind it and the outcome is literally the same.

Famine, serfdom, genocides and rat plagues.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

First, your argument amounts to "the Trump supporters claimed that the USA is ruled by a deep state, so every one who thinks the USA is ruled by a deep state supports Donald Trump". Then, there's plenty of evidence that the same group of people behind the Illuminati French Revolution and Communists are descendants of the ones that caused the Medieval Dark Ages. They just cannot use outright religion as an excuse because nobody will buy it unless they changed the wording and kept the entire script intact.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure what timeline you come from, but that's not what Christianity is about.

How about the Medival Dark Ages that spanned for a literal millennia? The Jews don't record that part of history especially at the early parts for a good reason.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

They all died to lockdown based suicides and depression.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone keeps saying that until the Antichrist rises and said things so on point that they believe he is some sort of hero and get their asses handed to the NWO without even knowing who sold them out. (Think of Hitler, they aren't this creative) I am not buying it until this doesn't happen.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no idea when you'll fall for it.

Let us just say the guy can reveal that Covid 19 is intended to depopulate entire populations, the CIA has once taken over America and blames it all on Jews and Chinese. It's almost like the ideal man, the ideal politician you'll want in your office. Then he starts ordering mass genocides against literally everyone else and purposedfully tanks and bombs America and essentially TURNED IT OVER to the United Nations because he lost (and you'll think it's not on purpose). And a century later where men can turn into women at the drop of a hat and people have quarter genders and go by the pronoun Xem/He/She, he will be a legendary hero according to edgelords.

It's just that bad.

Mrexreturns 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the Antichrist shows up you'll be worshiping him as a world hero.

The Antichrist will NOT be from the UN, but he will be a powerful asset used to establish the upcoming iteration of the NWO.

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

"If Ukraine joined the EU and Russia would admit it is an EU country".

The rioters don't even want democracy, they want similar things as the Maidaners or Antifa.

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

Most lefties in the USA thought the same thing about the Floyd Riots. Try experiencing it yourself.

Mrexreturns 4 points ago +5 / -1

The fun thing is when police actually do something against literal rioters and agent provocateurs who bring death and destruction (in situations like Hong Kong 2019, Euromaidan and the Floyd Riots) wherever they go, they are treated as mass murderers and savages.

Mrexreturns 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, you gotta go look at the Jews spreading the reskinned version of the Talmud they call "the Bible" in Rome. It's all Caesar or Nero's fault and not them. Like, it never does. And the other Europeans are there to pay for it through millennia long famine, witch hunts, torture, rat plagues, destruction and Inquisitions.

Mrexreturns 7 points ago +7 / -0

Completely delusional, Trump literally kept prime time Covid-19 Mass Formation Psychosis afloat. If he were the real great hope of the White race as everyone imagined he would clamp down Fauci and send every governor who issued lockdown orders to at least a decade of prison and bar them from any civil servant service.

Mrexreturns 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah it's meaningful.

Imagine if someone was asked to join Bilderberg upon becoming governor, and the wannabe governor responded with a "fuck you". Then the next 3 or 4 wannabe governors do the same thing. And it gets worse from there.

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you aware jews don't like Christians and outright hate Jesus? Why would they paint Christians favorably and lie about their persecution?

Correction: Jews just don't like people who don't preach "anyone I don't like is dead". Also I dunno about you but are you aware that there are people who bring literal millennia of death, destruction, rat plagues, starvation and intellectual regression and are still venerated as heroes? There is a reason why there's a medival "dark ages" where all historical records are expunged after the Vatican took over Rome.

Guess who's the main opponent to the whole LGBT libtard agenda and who's the main antagonist sticking to traditional values and (based) bigotry according to the NWO stooges?

That was a premise. Anyone that doesn't follow the dogma is dead. Christian or not. The elite stooges in the Vatican are still pretty much traditional and only launch shit to target you.

Why is the libtard worldview wrong according to you when it's based on the same secular humanist ideas you'd agree with?

You can reskin those values with things like "God", "Horus", "Stalin" or "Covid-19" and you still cannot mask their true agenda. It's "anyone that I don't like is dead".

Mrexreturns -1 points ago +1 / -2

Of course the Jews write history so they would heavily exaggerate the "Christian persecution" by Roman emperors to paint themselves as "eternal victims". I guess that the Christians that were "persecuted" were Talmud-thumpers who spat on Jupiter and Ceres statues (because they can't stand anything better than them) as well.

If we do end up changing sexes like we do with changing clothes 50 years later, remember that history is a lie and the LGBT agenda people were NEVER persecuted despite they keep calling themselves the eternal victims; they simply infiltrated into all facets of society before showing their true colors as angels of famine, death and destruction. And then the whole idea becomes normalized.

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +2 / -2

There is no such thing as "no imposed rules".

In an Anarchy, the smartest and/or the strongest wins and everyone else is ground meat.

Mrexreturns 0 points ago +1 / -1

heathens and acted barbarically

So basically "I don't like you so you are going to die"?

Mrexreturns -1 points ago +1 / -2

The Medieval Vatican and HRE should had been considered the worst atrocity in human history and a precedent to the present-day LGBT agenda.

Yet, these people are treated as heroes and saints by historical books and Bible classes and the Heathens and Roman Emperors that ruled over legitimately are considered lunatics and crazies.

Which makes you wonder how much our worldview is controlled.

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