posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +8 / -2

Marsh was a 15 year old in 2013 who, after a prolonged period of happily torturing animals to death with his best friend a spic, he snapped and broke into an elderly couples home where he eviscerated them. Before killing them, he stood over the bed and ‘trembled with excitement’, knowing that he was finally about to do it, and enjoying the dopamine it gave him (and, by the way, the erection it also gave him). After stabbing the elderly couple hundreds of times he placed objects into their corpses to fuck with whoever found them. The pleasure and satisfaction the murders gave him caused Marsh who was on the verge of dropping out of school to become star student. Marsh then walked around town looking for other people to kill but people obviously were staying in. Marsh stated during that interrogation that whenever he meets someone he thinks about ways to kill them- he told the investigator ‘I'd strangle you with your tie, or smash your head into the wall and break the glass and cut your throat. Nothing personal.’. Marsh said the murders were the best he’s ever felt and felt amazing and exhilerating. It was his beaner best friend that turned him in after he threatened to kill again and broke into his girlfriends house with a knife.

I spoke about this to a European recently and they defended Marsh saying that because he was 15 it was wrong to punish him because he didn’t know what he was doing. For a start, this is actually factually incorrect. Marsh knew exactly what he was doing. He taped the soles of his shoes so as not to leave a footprint, he picked strangers so suspicion would not fall on him, he intentionally made the murder look like a crime of passion so police would focus on friends and family of the victims rather than a stranger, he wanted to take photographs of the crime as a souvenir to masturbate to but decided not to in case his phone was hacked or misplaced and the photographs were handed to police. When hunting for new victims Marsh was planning on using a baseball bat so police wouldn’t connect the next murder to the breaking and entering. So contrary to what the European said, Marsh did know what he was doing and in fact he was more sophisticated than most adult murderers.

So what would European countries do about a kid like this? Other than Britain where even 10 year olds can be convicted of crimes, it seems in most of Europe under 18s can’t be charged with a crime. Would Daniel Marsh just be left wandering the streets murdering people simply because he felt like it?

The over socialization of the west is terrifying- I can’t imagine any normal person crying about the suffering of a wannabe serial killer outside the modern west. Our ancestors would have strung marsh up. In many countries outside the decadent over socialized west, Marsh would have been strung up or stoned. In the west, however, you meet people who think he should not even have been arrested let alone convicted lol. Uncle Ted was right about over socialization tbh.