glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

could be addressed by either Council5.56 or Council7.62

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

one quibble: irl, only the "conspiracy theorists" were running in the right direction :) at best, those other runners were running perpendicular to the track.

glownigger8675309 5 points ago +5 / -0

this will be used on American Citizens (such as m'self) who aspire to retreat and/or avoid conflict by going "innawoods".

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

> For years I rolled my eyes and scoffed at holocaust deniers


edit: don't know why this comment posted twice. deleted.

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

when the DNC coronated $hillary in '16. it was painfully obvious $hillary couldn't beat Trump and Bernie's momentum and the passion of Bernie's base were undeniable. i was gobsmacked dumbfounded blown away when the delegates, almost all of whom were seasoned pols who'd won at least one election, went along with $hillary, the candidate who perfectly encapsulated all the reasons Americans were fed up and willing to get behind a Trump or a Bernie. What also blew me away was how all the talking heads and media outlets on the left bailed on Bernie even though Bernie was exactly the candidate most of those voices had been crying out for for the last 20+ years. Rachel Madcow is perfectly representative of one of the voices who had to abandon almost the principles she'd claimed to espouse for the previous 10+ years to support Clinton-the Lesser. And then fucking Bernie just rolled over and supported the person who'd not just cheated him, but all of his supporters.

I'd been following the Seth Rich stuff pretty closely. I knew much of the national politics was rigged and controlled but hadn't grasped the extent. Then pizzagate happened. I watched that shit blow up in real-time over the course of 3 days when it went from "check out these weird e-mails" to "HOLYSHITMOTHEROFGOD! CHECK OUT THESE FUCKING E-MAILS!!!!" I couldn't tear myself away from the internet that whole weekend.

Pizzagate made everything make alot more sense. I'd already been redpilled on 9/11, JFK, Mena/CIA, OKC/McVeigh, banking/fiat shenanigans, ad infinitum, but hadn't realized how much everything was really connected and how pervasive the deep state/cabal was. Then the MSM went along with and hyped the Trump/Russia bullshit. I'd followed FBIanon and Meganon, and discovered Q pre-tripcode and got totally 100% sucked into that bullshit all the way to just after Biden's inaugural.

Along the way, though, I started totally re-evaluating EVERYTHING i thought i knew or was taught, and started following the evidence where it led regardless of what personal sacred cows i had to slaughter. I was pretty bummed to have to admit NASA and the 50's/60's era of rocket development was bullshit. One of the biggest sacred cows needing slaughtering was how my fundie Baptist upbringing taught me to consider jews. Now, I'm firmly in the Hitler-did-nothing-wrong camp. John Birch society was/is wayyyy more right than wrong. If our current era/zeitgeist decided an actual holocaust needed to happen, I'd be alright with it. Jews have been fucking up every community they've been allowed into for millenia.

that's about as concise a tl;dr of the last 7-8 years as i can come up with, though it still leaves alot out (and my lunch break is about over :)

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

> Part of me wants to execute jews

> part of me wants to high five jews

not mutually exclusive. the captain of the firing squad could thank the soon-to-be-executed for their service before giving the order to fire.

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

if we're relegating jews to ghettos "15 minute cities", i'm not necessarily against that.

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

why waste time there?

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +4 / -1

lol. tfw cops start to realize they're not safe just because they fellate power.

glownigger8675309 5 points ago +6 / -1

FL has a rather large jew demo. Can't become gov without fellating them. DeSantis is controlled oppo.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

"law enforcement" being pieces of traitorous shit, as per usual. the FBI is a terrorist org no decent American should want anything to do with.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

well, this explains why my barber's comb tastes like costco chicken.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

installed and kept someone like Biden as POTUS

by DrLeaks
glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's what holocaust museums are for

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

cops are parasites with the character of traitors. i'm certainly not pro-antifa, but i'm even less pro-cop. sure as fuck not going to shed any tears for any harm or misfortune that falls upon the pieces of shit that call themselves "law enforcement'. these are the same dumbass pieces of shit that enforced mask mandates and all the other covid bullshit. cops are the first line of defense for TPTB to keep peaceful change from happening.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

meh. we'll see. when average people start verbally accosting or outright attacking media figures and spokespeople who pushed the covid hysteria, or outright harrassing pharma execs, then i'll believe justice is on the horizon.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

organize the meet-up but with the requirement everyone wear a jacket/windbreaker that says "FBI" on the back.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

nice. these days, American Patriotism seems to be proportional to the number of watchlists one is on.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

criticism is easy, building takes work. if you feel so strongly, instead of just shitting on other users' posts, why don't you contribute something of your own? you've been here how many months and have literally zero posts. or are you a coward who doesn't want others to comment in a post of yours the way you do in everyone elses?

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