Assumptions both huge and vague, a combination via which almost anything could be asserted.
A useful resource for your writing could be the Arty Bollocks Generator
Martian atmosphere is about 0.5%, or 1/200th the density of the earth's atmosphere.
My completely unsupported guess of no value is that the helicopter arms would have to be 3 to 4 metres long to raise that tiny drone off the ground, and the centrifugal (yes, yes, I know) forces!
tl;dr Hell is a real place . . . and it is the hidden tunnels under China.
You have papers you cite for accepted points. OK.
But your conclusion is a fucking long shot:
Flu cases declined not because they were being counted as CoVid
Flu cases fell to almost zero, rather than to 50% or 30%, as they would if vaccinated
someone has suggested the idea of vaccines spreading like a virus
- wave hands and say "Ta DA!" . . . . and
<insert some conclusion about the flu and CoVid here>
Good idea. But VAST conclusions really should be supported by VAST edifices of facts and inescapable (not, "oh well, what about . . .!!") conclusions.
There's no such thing as true vs false . . .
ah, now we're getting down to it.
A list of big claims with "how about . . . "s as support. And the truths, the facts (there aren't many) I already know.
I am correctly unimpressed
Walmart and Amazon (and anything else that Hillary touches) ARE China. It's already here.
The problem is the Crazy Fucking Zionists based in Israel. Everything else is noise. China!? - what a fucking joke.
If you could read you'd see that that stops in 1979.
I agree with u/RiceTower7:
deconstructing everything [he/she/indeterminate] said is in no way a counter argument to HIS arguments.
Me too: WTF is this?
Yes, item #38 is "Corporation Does" 1-100, but . . . that's it?
Great respect. Wow, thanks.
No serious or valid answers so far. . . . will wait.
Those big fat lines of top quality hopeium you're snorting there.
I have no idea if what you wrote is true, but certainly mind expanding.
The link is to a website (yes, about "The Spanish Flu didn't do it") with no links to the booklet.
Have opted to us oil of oregano instead for now as it also works as an anti-viral and anti-parasitic.
Ah, OK.
we can hold them accountable for the largest genocidal campaign in world history.
Oh, for fuck's sake, grow up. "we" will do nothing of the sort, even if some magic easter bunny of Justice^tm suddenly appeared to help us.
New horizons in naivete
You've used scribd to hold your images and files, so (1) they're all gone, duh, and (2) even if they weren't all gone, they'd be on scribd, which is bad
Friends don't let friends ever use Scribd. Ever.
Mind expanding post, by the way. . . but, unfortunately, I need proof or demonstration of your suggestions.
The towers were imploded,
Ah. . . No.
Only if you reject the video records made of their explosive demolition. Metal trusses were ejected and embedded into nearby buildings.
Judy wood is a crackhead disinfo artist.
Ah. . . . No.
Should you, or I, list her credentials?
Wait until the public finds out < insert anything here > (.... and ....) !!!!
Ok, I'll wait. For fuck's sake, grow up & stop being so naive.
/u/free-will-of-choice bot is.