One of the key takeaways from Elizondo’s statements is that these symbols may provide insights into the nature of non-human intelligence (NHI). If an advanced civilization is visiting Earth, the presence of an alien language suggests a need for communication—whether among themselves, with humanity, or as part of their operational mechanisms. With government agencies slowly releasing more information and public interest at an all-time high, the question is no longer if UAPs are real, but what they signify and how we can engage with their messages. The discovery of alien language, if verified and deciphered, could become one of the most important breakthroughs in human history.
Comments (11)
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There's something everyone should be aware of concerning Elizondo and the various others that have cropped up to tell us all the secrets about UFOs--excuse me, "UAPs".
They're all promoted by "journalist" Leslie Kean, and it turns out she's not some rando nobody. Just using Wikipedia, you can trace her ancestry back to John Kean (South Carolina politician):
His wife was Susan Livingston, and she was a member of the Livingston family. Yes, they have their own wiki page.
John's stepfather was Captain Samuel Grove, "a wealthy and successful merchant". I never checked it out, but I suspect he's related to General Leslie Groves, who ran the Manhattan project, and whose ancestor was at the Salem Witch Trials.
Everyone is free to believe whatever they wish to from this source.
Good find, very sus.
Hey, I'd be super interested in your overall assessment of the entire "et" debacle; it's my favorite subject, I'm 30+ years deep; I've gone to some lengths to learn more and have a vague working frame of understanding but its all so wild and it's very very lonely.
Thanks for asking, I very much appreciate the interest!
As far as trying to get a handle on the subject in it's most general form, I'd say you have to break it down into several topics. You have to study them separately, and you can often see that the first thing "They" want to do is mix them together, of course.
The first topic would be: are there aliens? Yes, most assuredly, at least one species anyway, the Anunnaki. I could probably write three books just with the little research I've done. All the current researchers are spewing bullshit. Even Mauro Biglino was "turned" just a couple of years ago.
The only intersection with the "UFO phenomenon" is when they talk about UFOs in the Bible. Turns out the Bible was about the Anunnaki and they had both aircraft and spacecraft. The people at the time had no idea what they were seeing. Today, they try to flip it all around and convince us Little Green Men in saucers were in the Bible.
The second topic would be what we might call the "UFO canon": all the famous incidents and all the prominent Ufologists. The canon is completely riven with the Salem Witches, as I call them. Thus all the books and researchers basing their work on any of this is totally polluted and worthless. My recent posts are essentially documenting this.
It's a gigantic psyop, with liars and dupes absolutely filling the innerwebz and podwaves. When you subtract it all out as untrustworthy from the subject of UFOs, you really don't have a lot left.
The almost final topic is that residue, though, and we return back to the work of what we might call real Ufology. What do we make of the lights in the sky and stories of alien encounters? I infer that almost all of this is another hoax, while admitting I can't say how it's perpetrated.
Take the lights in the sky. If aliens don't care if we see them, why don't they fly around during the day? If they do care, why do they have lights at all? Why are the exact characteristics of the lights so incredibly varied? How many types of alien craft are we supposed to believe there are?
More interesting are the tales of close encounters. Subtract out the liars and kooks and you still have a lot of people that absolutely believe what they're saying. An intriguing aspect is that even the ones you know did not experience what they say they experienced seem to totally believe it. And again, there is an infinite variety of discrepant details. Further, there is the simple fact of how absolutely convinced these experiencers are of their experiences. That is not what we should expect.
Suppose you walked outside and saw a pink elephant flapping its big ears and sailing by through the air. Would you tell people there was definitely a pink elephant? Of course not. As a sane person, you might say, "I'm aware of how crazy it sounds. All I can tell you is what it looked like to me, and that it seemed very real." UFO witnesses never have such reservations.
That reasoning leads me to this wild speculation: does the gubmint have some sort of mind ray they hit people with from time to time to induce a type of hallucination?
Sounds crazy but I will give an analogy. Suppose they had a mind ray that could make you think of a "car". Well, although very similar, the details of a "car" you would create in your mind would be different than the ones I would conjure. The same goes for "policeman". It makes me wonder, is there some unknown mechanism to cause people to see (ie, experience as 100% real) "flying saucers" and "aliens"?
So the actual final topic is this: is there a residue of the residue, and if so, what do we do with it? Actually, it beats me! Whatever it is, though, is by this point incredibly small.
My focus has been on the second topic, a project in documentation. I mean, it's right there for all to see, all the elements universally accepted as fact, and I'm just arranging and presenting them in a certain way. It doesn't get more straightforward than that.
Even that simple project may be--I must admit to myself--literally beyond human comprehension. It's incredibly difficult for people to accept and integrate into their worldview that they have been deceived so completely. It's too much. People would absolutely prefer to listen to campfire tales about boogeymen and spooky goings-on.
Well, this sure ended up long! But now you know exactly where I'm at and why I'm doing what I'm doing. It is indeed very lonely. I have come to understand that to be the indelible mark on a seeker of truth.
Thanks for taking the time to break that down so informatively. I figured it was going to be something along those lines. Nature is mysterious and undefined; humans aren't as superior as we think. It seems like the perfect wedge to use secret knowledge on to manipulate. The deception has been a whirlwind, I have a mind for memorization and detail so my head is a vortex of ideas, details, information, emotion and I cant't seem to peg accurate data, it seems to change and shift, the only thing I know for sure now is I don't know anything.
It's funny, what you say, because it made me think of what I heard about the very deep etymology of the word "science". It turns out to be same as the word "shit". I get that science is shitty these days, but it's a bit puzzling, right?
It turns out that the fundamental idea behind both is "separation", particularly separating out that which you do not want. In this light it makes perfect sense.
So the work of science is not finding "the answer", it's identifying and separating out that which you can show is not the answer. I see that as very much what the work of any real researcher should be.
I figure that if you metaphorically get out the pick and shovel and chainsaw and scalpel, you can work to clear away all those things that obscure the truth, and thereby make it plain for everyone to see (for those that want to see, that is).
I specifically use the word "work" to describe this, which aside from any other issue is why you see so little of it. Back to work then....
What about Valdamar Valerian?
I always thought the earliest forms of writing look alien as hell.
Its also strange that its so complicated only a handful of people (and now ai) can read it.
It's also strange that in alot of these modern shows (like superman) they show Sumerian like characters on the craft. Is that just a coincidence I wonder?
What about if we asked the sumerians, oh they thought they were the half offspring of gods who flew their chariots through the sky? Well I dont know what to tell ya. It must all be fake.
Reading a story ealirer this week, may have been about the artifacts being stolen last week from a museum. And one of these pictures just casually hanging in the background.
Why do some of these old ass paintings depict people flying stars. Wtf is up with that?
Higher life forms have been guiding humans since the beginning. It's only the more modern times that keeps this information secret and classified.
Similar crafts were depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The grand reveal is coming, and the people in power will do anything to keep the masses distracted. Look at this rock, look at the hatred and division over here, cheer on [INSERT YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM AND SPORT], look at these people committing violence in the name of hiding evil acts, let me swipe and doom scroll on the next "content creator" being a shitty person...
When we focus on politics (professional liars) and the hype of the people who are rich, or famous and powerful we give up precious energy. That energy could be better utilized elsewhere.
Higher beings have always been around us, yet we allow the distractions of mankind to distract us and keep us in our low vibrational prison.
In my opinion I think comics were written with secret / Esoteric knowledge in plain sight. It was sneaky of the comic book writers, just like Matt Groening they know something we do not.
Esoteric knowledge is no different than learning calculus vs basic arithmetic. Most of the population can't be bothered with calculus as basic arithmetic allows them to understand their paycheck and pay taxes.
I digress...
May be I missed something, but I didn't see any symbols and writings in article and video.
Unlike other stuff, symbols and writings are intended to be reproduceable by design. What stoped this wistleblower to draw that symbols and writings and share them with the public?
What's the point of talking about symbols and writings without showing them?
I agree, that does seem odd.