The Nature Of The Universe – Ashtar Command
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a) Energy doesn't compose (positions together) it sets vibration; wave; frequency; rhythm; mathematics etc. apart from one another.
b) Energy implies the internal/inherent separation of impressing (action; motion) and expressing (reaction; matter) force, with force implying forwarding (inception towards death) strength (life).
c) Movement implies ones mind reacting to being moved as choice within balance, hence oscillatory movement (to and fro), with choice implying the tremble aka momentary hesitation of temporary matter (life) during momentum (inception towards death) of ongoing motion.
d) A wave implies temporal growth (life) during ongoing loss (inception towards death). The struggle of a wave to sustain itself implies the temptation to wave/weave with another.
e) Frequency implies adaptation; behavior implies stagnation, hence "being having" implying a taking into possession, while ignoring the movement of potential.
f) Harmonious implies hurting (harm) one (oni)...
g) Energy implies dis (momentum) organ (matter) ation (motion)'s few within which organize many together by suggestion to harm each consenting one.
h) All implies one in energy, hence addition of one (inception); subtraction of one (death); multiplication of one (intercourse for off-spring) and division of one (living within process of dying).
Few suggest math to mow down each one among many. How? If one counts others, then one burdens self with the sum of all things counted, while being held accountable by others as ones accountants.
i) Having free will of choice implies being set loose...precision confines choice. One needs to resist the wanted temptation to hold onto "my precious".
j) Nature implies the energizing engine; each being within implies a re-energizing part thereof aka an implement; a device; a tool; a weapon of choice.
Or how cells divide
How did I know you were going to Golem saying my precious lol
Why does it have to a weapon of choice willy?
Explain implies ex-pression (life) within plain/plane (inception towards death)...
a) Only within an impressing plain/plane can life be expressed through adaptation.
b) Ones consent holding onto suggested explanations by another implies stagnation over adaptation.
c) Nature continues to impress, which the expressing being within ignores when suppressing self by holding onto suggested explanations from another.
d) Suppression (consent towards suggested) wastes the potential of expression (adaptation within perceivable).
A jew shapes suggestions; gentiles waste potential by following those. If many waste potential, then few remain the potent expression, hence each jew erecting, while circumcising gentiles from circumference as wasted potential.
Cell/celare/kel - "to hide; conceal; cover"...nature reveals all through each one by dividing whole into partials, hence setting partials within action aka se-par-ation.
The suggested word "cell" tempts ones "free" will of choice to hide; conceal; cover itself.
Gollum/golem/goyim...clay in the hands of others.
a) Weapon implies instrument (choice) of offense/defense (balance).
b) Instrument implies mind (ment) structured (stru) within (in) sound, hence each instrumental being within entire sound...defending self (life) from what's offered (inception towards death).
c) Few trick many to choose a side within a conflict of reason, which then turns weapons (choice) against each other (imbalance) aka offense versus defense (fiction)...instead defending during offer (reality).
Example...stepping into a boxing ring tempts both sides to use offense and defense against each other. The winner is being declared from outside as the one who lost less than the other, so two losers fighting each other about who wins by loosing less.
In reality...nature implies the loss offered for each ones growth, defending self from loss. The boxing ring aka the ring that binds aka circular logic within self turning into conflicts of reason against others tempts one to ignore growth for loss.
Notice furthermore that de-fence implies guarding (life) division (inception/death) aka choice within balance. Discerning self as choice (matter) within balance (momentum) implies that which offers (motion).
Offense (motion) generating de (momentum) fence (matter)...not a conflict turning against each other, but a separation during procession.
Now think about what "mending fences" implies...
Implies men and fence.
Fence implies off-fence or de-fence.
Example I'm on the fence about your replies.
What about putting the D at the end of men? Not into sodomy?
a) De-fend implies the division (de) of the one fending and all one fends of.
b) On vs off implies a conflict of reason among those fending against each other.
Eu te amo
I love you