All while your average rube thinks it's great because Elon is positioned to them as some kind of virtuous super genius the likes of which the world has never seen
Look into his grandfather. He was a Technocrat. They believe in a system where large corporations and the tech industry should govern the people. Aka you must use his internet and drive his crappy deathtrap gokarts.
Correct. This is his exit strategy from the ponzi scheme that is the fractional banking system. And I am perfectly fine with that. Now if you don't like any of the products he sold you. Fuck you, you get what you paid for.
The ignorance regarding equity here is astounding.
Elon is the richest man because his stock has appreciated in value because he built the most successful car company in history (as judged by investors). All the other companies had the same subsidies Elon had.
I wasn't making any argument but you already knew that you retarded fuck.
Elon is part of The Plan.
The autistic nerd who made PayPal and got rich off people's fear of exposing their credit card details online started trying to find ways to be useful in making machinery for our daily life.
He symbolically and literally picked up the mantle of Nikola Tesla.
Trump's dad saved the Tesla papers from an FBI raid following his death. Tesla and Trump were friends.
Now we have 'Tesla' working with Trump again and you think that's a fucking coincidence?
Tesla was working on "free energy for the entire world." Elon wants to give free internet to the entire world and when we get Full And Total Control back you better bet Free Energy is coming back.
Elon Musk arrived on the scene poised to replace entire government agencies.
Elon Musk got every liberal in every corner of the globe to bow down and worship the concept of an electric car only to reveal they are now driving Trump-mobiles.
He X'ed out Liberal Twitter.
He has owned and humiliated the self-styled 'liberals' in the most fantastic victory-lapping-ass ways.
We are living in historic times, and when you fucking CIA glowie pieces of shit come in here vomiting bullshit, "muh flat earth, muh Zionist Trump, muh evil Elon, huehuehue"
If your Qtard nonsense was accurate there would be no reason to have glowies on boards like this as you accuse, even if there were there'd certainly be no reason to rage at them as you are since ncswic wagawagawoo, so even your own world view is inconsistent. You are unironically worshipping someone based on the fact that they "own the libs".
Yet you come to a conspiracy forum and call people retarded for not guzzling down decades long media campaigns for carefully crafted public personas. If anything, you'd be the glowie trying to pull free thinkers back into the two party system. With your unhinged screeching at the end, I can see why you glom onto someone who's autistic
You're a fucking moron. I was here from the beginning. I was trolling the chans since 2008. I stood with the old guard. I was there in the NYC cardstand threads. I was there as we hunted ISIS, decoding their location by the stars and trolling them posting their coordinates to the military. After the great 7get of 2016(Donald Trump will be the next president of The United States), now purged from the web saved only by those who know, we decided to create the Nation of Kekistan. Pepe The Frog chosen by random roll. I was pissed when that dusty ass meme won over my choice, but rolls are rolls. Of course I would later come to adore Pepe in his newfound glory. The Kekistani flag, the NAME Kekistan, the xenonym Kekistani, the religion of Kek, all chosen by random rolls. And I was there. God I wonder if someone has that archived.... we had decided there should be a Nation
I was there when we decided to take our new nation and brigade into Facebook (Leftbook) and Reddit. I was there as we memed Trump and Clinton's emails down their fucking throats, from our home base of r/The_Donald on Reddit, and The People's Republic of Kekistan group on Facebook.
I was there as we repetitively trolled Shia LeBouf and his cringegay HWNDU flag, assisting in locating that flaggot every time.
I was there when our subreddit was "quarantined" and then banned altogether, forcing us into creating
I was there at the capitol on January 6th, when the owner of shit his fucking pants and shut the site down only for us to create followed by followed by and so much more.
January 6th was the day that the Q folk got to sit down and lecture the regular Trump supporters and show us, "we were right."
It wasn't until January 6th that I learned to trust Q.
Before that point I knew Q was surely the military, but I was doubting some posts as authentic, and I thought the eerie/ obfuscated manner of posting was possibly some cringe LARPs imitating the original Q.
How wrong I was; yet at January 6th, meeting so many Q people in one place, I decidedly realized the Q folk are not crazy but savvy.
And it was the Q folk who saved this community. It was them who created this goddamn website.
Those of us that know, show fucking respect.
Those of us who don't know, learn as you are now.
Those of us who see and reject the truth are fucking CIA scum who need to eat a fucking bullet.
Q is a gift directly from the military to the autists of the chans. They encoded it just enough that we would have to decode it, and they didn't have to worry about getting in trouble for leaking the data based upon "no one will believe it anyways but us."
The "Q Tards" were the only thing that prevented America from getting a full-blown bloodbath Civil War. We were the only thing keeping the war dogs at bay.
You have no idea how many people were ready to die on January 6th only to be reassured by the Q folk "trust the plan," with many blessed believers praying over the crowds.
Such a peaceful, such a serene, such a reassuring day.
We came with thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammunition.
We came wearing body armor.
We came ready to fight and to die.
We came with cocaine ready for the battle that would mark the end of our lives.
But the Q folk were everywhere, the good vibes were everywhere, the prayer was everywhere, the Antifa present were so retardedly outnumbered, the police were so retardedly outnumbered, it was clear we owned the day; we stood and waved our flags and declared our victory by obvious fact.
The police agitated the crowd. We trolled them awhile and demonstrated to them how extremely not in charge they were.
And then Trump sent out a text to disperse, declaring everything under control.
The Q people, who we thought were the craziest of the bunch, they were the calmest and happiest people there. Using the event as a fucking meet-up to spread awareness of the Great Awakening and not giving a shit about the events of the day.
We all dispersed, and 99% of the photos you have seen from that day is after we all left and only actors remained.
Do you still think this now that Elon said he was declaring war on people who care about their fellow citizens more than immigrants and for people who'd rather give jobs to their countrymen than to aforementioned immigrants to "fuck [their] own face[s]"?
Don't you know you are watching a Movie? Don't you know Elon stole that line from Tropic Thunder as comms? Don't you know about the Plan To Save The World? Calmeth Thee Tits
Using the phrase "fuck your own face" to address these perfectly-timed CIA concern-trolls reduces the veil of public comms vs. avoiding direct disclosure down to rice-paper thin, and STILL there are folks that JUST DON'T GET IT. At this point when I see folk like you my first question is "who is paying you" lmao
When 10 million Indians are imported and barely any illegals are deported (though they'll act like it was a huge win that a few convicted criminals were deported) I'm sure you'll have some other cope. I'm aware of all the Q shit, it's political fan fiction, exactly the same as the Russian pee dossier
Actually, you are, great awakening is the Q echo chamber. The fact that your own worldview is so fragile that anyone disagreeing with it must be someone paid to oppose you speaks volumes
It must be hard not being in your hugbox where every loss is actually just part of le epic plan so you can just sit back and do nothing but eat popcorn and watch the movie.
And yet your actions showcase great incongruity, if you truly trusted that ncswic wagawagawoo patriots in control you'd have no reason to rage against people who disagree with you on a forum with like 10 real users
Well, it's easy.
He's gonna recommend cutting all the departments that don't support his Deep State endeavours.
And then magically the other remaining depts will order more magnificient, amazing, great innovation from xAI, Boring Company, SpaceX, Neuralink, etc.
Kill the competition, scoop up the rest for yourself.
The saviour of humanity!
All while your average rube thinks it's great because Elon is positioned to them as some kind of virtuous super genius the likes of which the world has never seen
To the victor go the the spoils.
No no no. Space exploration is necessary and is not a waste. Mars is our future with all it's lush vegetation and Mediterranean climate
LOL, thanks!
I grew up on cyberpunk and Iām so ready to Bladerun and pirate digicoin from globocorp.
Look into his grandfather. He was a Technocrat. They believe in a system where large corporations and the tech industry should govern the people. Aka you must use his internet and drive his crappy deathtrap gokarts.
To the victor go the the spoils.
It's the oldest rule in politics mon ami.
Correct. This is his exit strategy from the ponzi scheme that is the fractional banking system. And I am perfectly fine with that. Now if you don't like any of the products he sold you. Fuck you, you get what you paid for.
The suit is made from one of his raped and murdered "sacrifices" isn't it?
to the moon!
Thanks bot
Yep, I have no doubt in my mind that he'll cut all the programs he got rich off of then drop capital gains to zero.
They're all self-serving but at least I know exactly what he's going to do so I can plan for it.
The ignorance regarding equity here is astounding.
Elon is the richest man because his stock has appreciated in value because he built the most successful car company in history (as judged by investors). All the other companies had the same subsidies Elon had.
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
Good point.
The problem isn't Tesla, it is government regulations.
Stop being retarded.
Elon is fine.
Quite a compelling argument you've made. Perhaps you'd like to link to some based tweets as well?
I wasn't making any argument but you already knew that you retarded fuck.
Elon is part of The Plan.
The autistic nerd who made PayPal and got rich off people's fear of exposing their credit card details online started trying to find ways to be useful in making machinery for our daily life.
He symbolically and literally picked up the mantle of Nikola Tesla.
Trump's dad saved the Tesla papers from an FBI raid following his death. Tesla and Trump were friends.
Now we have 'Tesla' working with Trump again and you think that's a fucking coincidence?
Tesla was working on "free energy for the entire world." Elon wants to give free internet to the entire world and when we get Full And Total Control back you better bet Free Energy is coming back.
Elon Musk arrived on the scene poised to replace entire government agencies.
Elon Musk got every liberal in every corner of the globe to bow down and worship the concept of an electric car only to reveal they are now driving Trump-mobiles.
He X'ed out Liberal Twitter.
He has owned and humiliated the self-styled 'liberals' in the most fantastic victory-lapping-ass ways.
We are living in historic times, and when you fucking CIA glowie pieces of shit come in here vomiting bullshit, "muh flat earth, muh Zionist Trump, muh evil Elon, huehuehue"
If your Qtard nonsense was accurate there would be no reason to have glowies on boards like this as you accuse, even if there were there'd certainly be no reason to rage at them as you are since ncswic wagawagawoo, so even your own world view is inconsistent. You are unironically worshipping someone based on the fact that they "own the libs".
Yet you come to a conspiracy forum and call people retarded for not guzzling down decades long media campaigns for carefully crafted public personas. If anything, you'd be the glowie trying to pull free thinkers back into the two party system. With your unhinged screeching at the end, I can see why you glom onto someone who's autistic
You're a fucking moron. I was here from the beginning. I was trolling the chans since 2008. I stood with the old guard. I was there in the NYC cardstand threads. I was there as we hunted ISIS, decoding their location by the stars and trolling them posting their coordinates to the military. After the great 7get of 2016(Donald Trump will be the next president of The United States), now purged from the web saved only by those who know, we decided to create the Nation of Kekistan. Pepe The Frog chosen by random roll. I was pissed when that dusty ass meme won over my choice, but rolls are rolls. Of course I would later come to adore Pepe in his newfound glory. The Kekistani flag, the NAME Kekistan, the xenonym Kekistani, the religion of Kek, all chosen by random rolls. And I was there. God I wonder if someone has that archived.... we had decided there should be a Nation
I was there when we decided to take our new nation and brigade into Facebook (Leftbook) and Reddit. I was there as we memed Trump and Clinton's emails down their fucking throats, from our home base of r/The_Donald on Reddit, and The People's Republic of Kekistan group on Facebook.
I was there as we repetitively trolled Shia LeBouf and his cringegay HWNDU flag, assisting in locating that flaggot every time.
I was there when our subreddit was "quarantined" and then banned altogether, forcing us into creating
I was there at the capitol on January 6th, when the owner of shit his fucking pants and shut the site down only for us to create followed by followed by and so much more.
January 6th was the day that the Q folk got to sit down and lecture the regular Trump supporters and show us, "we were right."
It wasn't until January 6th that I learned to trust Q.
Before that point I knew Q was surely the military, but I was doubting some posts as authentic, and I thought the eerie/ obfuscated manner of posting was possibly some cringe LARPs imitating the original Q.
How wrong I was; yet at January 6th, meeting so many Q people in one place, I decidedly realized the Q folk are not crazy but savvy.
And it was the Q folk who saved this community. It was them who created this goddamn website.
Those of us that know, show fucking respect.
Those of us who don't know, learn as you are now.
Those of us who see and reject the truth are fucking CIA scum who need to eat a fucking bullet.
Q is a gift directly from the military to the autists of the chans. They encoded it just enough that we would have to decode it, and they didn't have to worry about getting in trouble for leaking the data based upon "no one will believe it anyways but us."
The "Q Tards" were the only thing that prevented America from getting a full-blown bloodbath Civil War. We were the only thing keeping the war dogs at bay.
You have no idea how many people were ready to die on January 6th only to be reassured by the Q folk "trust the plan," with many blessed believers praying over the crowds.
Such a peaceful, such a serene, such a reassuring day.
We came with thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammunition.
We came wearing body armor.
We came ready to fight and to die.
We came with cocaine ready for the battle that would mark the end of our lives.
But the Q folk were everywhere, the good vibes were everywhere, the prayer was everywhere, the Antifa present were so retardedly outnumbered, the police were so retardedly outnumbered, it was clear we owned the day; we stood and waved our flags and declared our victory by obvious fact.
The police agitated the crowd. We trolled them awhile and demonstrated to them how extremely not in charge they were.
And then Trump sent out a text to disperse, declaring everything under control.
The Q people, who we thought were the craziest of the bunch, they were the calmest and happiest people there. Using the event as a fucking meet-up to spread awareness of the Great Awakening and not giving a shit about the events of the day.
We all dispersed, and 99% of the photos you have seen from that day is after we all left and only actors remained.
You have Q to thank.
Merry Christmas.
Do you still think this now that Elon said he was declaring war on people who care about their fellow citizens more than immigrants and for people who'd rather give jobs to their countrymen than to aforementioned immigrants to "fuck [their] own face[s]"?
Don't you know you are watching a Movie? Don't you know Elon stole that line from Tropic Thunder as comms? Don't you know about the Plan To Save The World? Calmeth Thee Tits
Using the phrase "fuck your own face" to address these perfectly-timed CIA concern-trolls reduces the veil of public comms vs. avoiding direct disclosure down to rice-paper thin, and STILL there are folks that JUST DON'T GET IT. At this point when I see folk like you my first question is "who is paying you" lmao
When 10 million Indians are imported and barely any illegals are deported (though they'll act like it was a huge win that a few convicted criminals were deported) I'm sure you'll have some other cope. I'm aware of all the Q shit, it's political fan fiction, exactly the same as the Russian pee dossier
Political fan fiction? You're in the wrong forum, glowie.
Actually, you are, great awakening is the Q echo chamber. The fact that your own worldview is so fragile that anyone disagreeing with it must be someone paid to oppose you speaks volumes
Here is some volume to speak to you: ššæ fuck your opinion glowie
It must be hard not being in your hugbox where every loss is actually just part of le epic plan so you can just sit back and do nothing but eat popcorn and watch the movie.
And yet your actions showcase great incongruity, if you truly trusted that ncswic wagawagawoo patriots in control you'd have no reason to rage against people who disagree with you on a forum with like 10 real users