Even though all signs point to Trump winning, I have a feeling that they not will ALLOW him the presidency. There is no way in hell that the race is as close as the polls and media are making it out to be and I wonder if this is them gearing up for a steal.
They have come after him from every angle possible from slander to law fare to assassination, and if he becomes the big man in the chair, they could be in trouble. (OR, has this all just been a big publicity stunt? - not sure as they gave him hell even when he was president).
On one side, you have all of the apparent rigging in the swing states in an attempt to get Harris in - more war, more money laundering, higher taxes, higher inflation, communism etc - TPTB want this.
On the other side, Trump seems to have far more popularity than Harris - which means less friction when plans are pushed through, implementation of cashless system, Musk involvement, more bigger israel supporter too, maybe Iran problems - TPTB want this too.
if TPTB wanted Dems to win, why insert such an unlikable person who clearly has no organic support? There has been such exposure of flops too: Dropping out of interviews, doctored interviews, scripted responses, paid for support, obvious hypocrisy - all making her seem even more incompetent and unlikable. This stuff is covered by the likes of CNN who are ardent democrat supporters. It all just seems TOO obvious.
If TPTB wanted Trump to win, why all the shenanigans in the blue states with illegal voting, non registered votes, judges an courts allowing undocumented voting, no voter ID and the apparent delayed results after election night?
Either way TPTB wins, regardless of the election. But I don't know which way they lean as the intent isn't clear (probably by design). Is it all a humiliation ritual? - Massive demoralization tactic?
Who will be the President when this is all over?
By that same process of thought, it doesn't matter if the moon landings were real or not, it doesn't matter if the Titanic sinking was an accident or planned. It doesn't matter if existence itself is tangible or entirely fabricated by the subconscious mind.
If we base our thinking along those lines, this site would not have purpose.
Like many others here, I am interested in rationalizing the reasons as to WHY, in the interests of furthering understanding. That is the whole point, to discuss and find rationale and thus, meaning behind why events play out the way they do, as well as the implications and motives behind them, the "WHY".
In order to substantiate or refute ideas and give them meaning, evidence, opinion, thought and motivation must be explored. Motive is equally as important as result.
The operational difference between and results of a manned Moon landing vs. not having done it are ludicrously huge. Hundreds of technologies we use today wouldn’t exist if not for it.
It does; it’s the difference between delusional retards retroactively inventing explanations without evidence and a physical representation of the hubris of the gilded age.
It does; only stoners think otherwise.
The purpose of this site is to not fall for jewish hoaxes. Truth. Not made up bullshit. Not entertaining Hollywood movies as though they’re real.
You’ve based your life on a lie. This is your wake-up call. Get the fuck over it before it kills you.
White genocide. That’s the reason.
The motive is white genocide. Your submission has nothing to do with motive, by the way. They don’t care who sits in the puppet seat. They don’t care which actor gets the part. They own all the actors. They wrote the script. Everything continues on exactly the same no matter who is there. “The part of president will now be played by…” It’s a fucking soap opera. Or maybe you think those are real?