posted ago by BladesLastBottle ago by BladesLastBottle +15 / -0

so the movie about a highly contagious virus called covid-23 and I believe the movie takes place 2 years from now. Everyone is on 24 hour lockdown and cant leave there house or apt without a hazmat suit. sick people or anyone in close contact gets sent to giant camps to die. very small amount of people are immune and can go outside but are forced to work for the government to keep things flowing while 99% of the populace chills inside.

anyway, the movie sucked but there was one point that made me rethink the whole premises of the movie. without going into to much detail, the antagonist alludes to the protagonist that any virus could be deadly to the people on lockdown.

which is strange because that would mean that there was something wrong with the populaces immune system making anything deadly, opposed to there being a single deadly virus spreading.. (i initially just chalked it up to the rushed nature of the movie)

then it kinda hit me, i think this movie isnt just telling the story of a killer virus and what life could be like. its also telling story about what life could be like if the majority of the world just suddenly developed Immunodeficiency and need to be locked down for there own safety cus they thought there was a deadly virus.