posted ago by SirCaptain ago by SirCaptain +8 / -0

tldr; covid vaccines seem to inject you with "eggs" of artificial neurons that grow into full sized artificial neurons. These full sized neurons likely end up in your brain and respond to electromagnetic stimulation.

Zalewski and Dr Carrie Madej have independently found "tentacle creatures" in some vaccine vials. I'll refer to these creatures as hydras. Dr Zalewski's test were more enlightening since he performed additional tests.

His tests determined that a hydra's head is made of both aluminum and carbon, but its legs are entirely carbon. He found that a graphene rich environment spurs hydra growth, and although a fully grown hydra's head is only about 20 micrometers in diameter, its legs can reach a whopping 2.5mm in length.

Biologically speaking, the average size of a human neuron's soma (its head) is 10-25 micrometers. A neuron's axons (arms) are likewise comparably very long. This is probably not a coincidence.

The tentacles likely grow through graphene fixation. Graphene attaches in such a way that the tentacles are open to affix more, later. The cycle continues. This explains why we need all those graphene boosters. The hydras need it to grow.

We've seen elsewhere that graphene can pass the brain-blood barrier, and all these spike proteins seem to help. If there is any truth to those 5G conspiracy theories, then this is probably the mechanism. The clustering of the graphene into wires, or neurons like this, is a necessary condition for the injected graphene to respond to electromagnetic signals.

Given that the hydras tentacles are likely made of graphene, and are able to affix more graphene, its very likely that these hydras can link up their tentacles with each other. Its also likely the feet are attracted to the electrical charges of neurons in your brain.