posted ago by TurnToGodNow ago by TurnToGodNow +8 / -0

They have the vaccine in at least half the population in the developed world, with more than that in some places. They are on track to get this into a majority of people.

TPTB are putting their new bizarro technology in these things. This may have set in motion the first domino that ensures all the rest of the new world order plans fall into place. I'm not trying to be defeatist, just a realist. The Bible is clear that this world empire is going to form. I sure as hell don't support it, it's just forming anyway.

A few likely scenarios from here:

  1. Mass death. Millions die of what will be called new "super pandemic". As Bill Gates warned Pandemic 2. The media pretends it is both vaxxed and unvaxxed dying equally, but that will be a lie. Those deaths will be the excuse for absolute totalitarian control, in states that allow it, including forced inoculations of all citizens with more new technology. War in states that are brave enough to refuse.

  2. Mass mind control. Perhaps what's in these vaccines will ensure that those vaccinated are more susceptible to remote magnetic influence. That means making them take the third, fourth. fifth upgrades no matter how outrageous the safety data on them. It will be all but certain for them unless someone is still able to get saved by God and detox.

CRISPR gene editing stations set up in mobile 'treatment' centers, with an EMF signal literally pulling people towards it, attracting them to it by stimulating their reward centers. Even those who have already taken the treatment will be drawn there to watch and observe, like a concert or festival. The slaves, like drug addicts, won't say no.

  1. or 2 ) it all ends up in the same place either way; because of fear the masses submit totally to the beast system technology and thus lose their free will. From there we may see mass martyrdom and atrocities. Through God's grace perhaps a breakaway state is allowed to survive where us "primitives" can live, while the injected spend their time in factories for their AI overlords or simply die off on command.

We are long past the days these ideas were just fantastic LARPing. Serious doctors and scientists are examining the contents of these vaccines and finding strange new technologies inside of them. Any speculation right now is fair game until we can crack the code of what we are seeing completely, and we may not have time to do that. Tick tock, time is running out.