This is the biggest current, real, open conspiratorial threat to United States, speech / press / media freedom and individual liberty.
The ADL-Zio-MegaGroup-Mossad tribal attack on all the basic institutions we have and which have guaranteed us some basic rights of expression and free living.
It goes beyond mere media censorship into funding Shiny object attacks (BLM, trans movement, etc), bribing our policitians and pre-selecting the presidents (AIPAC) and attacking sovereign countries in media, with cyberwarfare and using financial assets.
THIS is the real conspiracy that is out there in the open and most refuse to accept it or deal with it, because it is so pervasive, so everywhere, for so long and because rising against it will instantly be labelled antisemitism.
This is the biggest current, real, open conspiratorial threat to United States, speech / press / media freedom and individual liberty.
The ADL-Zio-MegaGroup-Mossad tribal attack on all the basic institutions we have and which have guaranteed us some basic rights of expression and free living.
It goes beyond mere media censorship into funding Shiny object attacks (BLM, trans movement, etc), bribing our policitians and pre-selecting the presidents (AIPAC) and attacking sovereign countries in media, with cyberwarfare and using financial assets.
THIS is the real conspiracy that is out there in the open and most refuse to accept it or deal with it, because it is so pervasive, so everywhere, for so long and because rising against it will instantly be labelled antisemitism.