posted ago by KennyLiquorbush ago by KennyLiquorbush +39 / -11

Expecting anything but more corruption from a government and MSM that has been utterly corrupted is just as absurd. In the last 4 years, we've seen:

  • The DoJ/FBI manufacture two impeachment attempts based on evidence they knew was fake.
  • A manufactured pandemic that nobody would even have known about had the MSM not manufactured mass hysteria. Millions have been bankrupted by this scam.
  • Said scamdemic used to justify blatant mail-in ballot fraud to allow the same people that orchestrated the impeachment farce to oust a President.
  • Numerous courts, ranging from the state level to the SCOTUS, ignore copious amounts of evidence of said election fraud.
  • The same globalist billionaires that bought the election fraud, big tech censorship, COVID-19 hysteria and BLM riots are now pushing to have any opposition silenced and labeled as domestic terrorists. Call it racism or Nazism or whatever you please. The truth is that a well funded and thoroughly planned conspiracy by the globalists to end democracy is in action. The government, judiciary, and MSM have been completely subverted. It is abundantly clear that no change can be created by voting.